我做小孩的权利 I Have the Right to be a Child  · Ann, Robert

我做小孩的权利 I Have the Right to be a Child · Ann, Robert

2016-03-23    10'36''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

11.1万 4684

关注微信公众号“为你读英语美文”,获取本期节目译文,图文资料 关注新浪微博 "为你读英语美文",和我们互动 主播:Ann-11岁 Robert-8岁 地点: 北京,旧金山 I Have the Right to be a Child By: Alain Serres Pictures by: Aurelia Fronty Translated by Helen Mixter I am a child with eyes, hands, a voice, a heart, and rights. I have the right to a first name, a last name, a family that smiles at me, and a country that I can call my home. I have the right to have enough food to eat and water to drink so that I can grow. My favorite thing is an orange. You can eat it or drink its juice. I have the right to live under a roof, to be warm but not too hot, not to be poor and to have just enough of what I need, not more. I have the right to be cured with the best medicines that were ever invented. And to run and jump and climb and shout, “It’s so wonderful to feel good!” I have the right to go to school without having to pay, so that I can learn how birds or planes poppy seeds fly. I have the same rights whether I am a girl or a boy. Boys and girls love to sing the same songs! I have exactly the same right to be respected, whether I am black or white, small or big, rich or poor, born here or somewhere else. I have the right to be helped by my parents, my friends and my country…… if my body doesn’t work as well as other children’s. I have the right to be free from any kind of violence, and no one has the right to take advantage of me because I am a child. No one. I have the right to go to school and refuse to go to work. I’ll choose a job when I’ve learned everything I want to know! I have the right to be protected by adults and to be sheltered from disasters under a great big umbrella, whether there’s too much rain or because of other sad things. I have the right never to experience the storm of war or the thunder of weapons. I am afraid of guided missiles and smart bombs. I have the right to breathe clean air that’s as pure as the blue sky or a newborn polar bear cub. I have the right to play, to create, to imagine, to make faces and to leap around…… and also have friends, because dancing alone isn’t very much fun. I have the right to learn about friendship, peace and respect for our planet and for each human being who lives on it, for each animal that inhabits it, for each plant that nourishes it. I have the right to express myself completely freely-to say what I truly think about everything, even if it doesn’t always please my dad, to say exactly how I feel, even if it doesn’t always please my mom. I have the right to all these rights just because I am a child, especially if I live in one of the 193 states in the world that have agreed to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. When will all children everywhere really have their rights respected? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? In 20 years? We need our rights to be respected now- today -because it is right now- today - that we are children. 作者介绍 阿朗.賽赫(Alain Serres) 法國作家和出版人,1956年出生於法國,作品超過八十本。阿朗‧賽赫曾任幼稚園教師達十三年之久,他同時也是法國知名兒童詩人。阿朗‧賽赫年幼時, 家境並不富裕,僅有假日老師會開書櫃借書給學生,他深感唯有透過書,才能讓更多孩子有公平接觸文化的機會,因而在1992年,成立了Rue du monde(世界之路)出版社,希望藉由出版更多好書,讓孩子們認識、了解這個社會,並相信自己的能力。 儿童权利公约 儿童权利公约(Convention on the Rights of the Child)1989年11月20日第44届联合国大会第25号决议通过,是第一部有关保障儿童权利且具有法律约束力的国际性约定。1990年9月2日生效。截至1997年1月1日,缔约国为188个。该公约旨为世界各国儿童创建良好的成长环境 电台推荐 荔枝FM1823419加州Apple ABC ,他们希望中国宝贝爱上英语,让华裔宝贝爱上中文。 背后小故事 为你读英语美文和加州Apple ABC结缘于荔枝FM,永清在投稿箱里听到了两个特别的声音:发音纯正,充满阳光,他们的主人是Ann和Robert。于是,永清联系了薇清-加州Apple ABC的管理者,也是Ann和Robert的妈妈。经过一个多星期的选稿,反复商议,终于成稿。Ann和Robert在妈妈的指导下录好了音频,永清在北京进行后期垫乐。巧合的是,节目完成不久,永清接到了公司到美国出差的通知,并经停旧金山。得知这个消息,Ann和Robert的爸爸,妈妈开车四十多分钟,早早地就在机场等候永清。两个小时的短暂相聚充满了欢声笑语和暖暖的情谊。从地球的这一端到另一端,从声音到现实生活中,主播们成为朋友,毫无违和感,只因对声音和英语的共同热爱。 请购买正版图书,支持作者。 垫乐: 手嶌葵 - Que Sera Sera 贵族乐团 - 鸟人(电影《龙猫》音乐) 林隆璇 - 相约卡农 特别感谢:薇清(Ann, Robert妈妈) 主播: Ann, Robert;制作|发行: 永清 供稿/打字:Ann Zeng 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 为你读英语美文,Read English for You 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文 荔枝FM 搜索【为你读英语美文】收听