【毕业特辑】John 毕业赠言

【毕业特辑】John 毕业赠言

2016-06-21    07'23''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

25924 2062

主播:严喆-2016年应届毕业生 嘉宾:John McAuley-曾就职于联合国总部 录制地点:上海,香港 严喆就读于上海外国语大学研究生部,专业是应用语言学。读研期间,严喆曾到意大利,德国留学。2016年春天,严喆回到上海,写毕业论文,顺利完成答辩。2016年夏天,严喆即将毕业了!6月23日,严喆将迎来毕业典礼。 John McAuley是严喆本科时的外教,曾在2015年初为我们带来过第69期节目《The Daffodil Principle水仙花法则》,第120期《回顾2015》。John曾在纽约联合国总部工作过10年,后来分别在日本,非洲,台湾,大连工作过,现在在香港工作和生活。6月23日,John也将到上海参加严喆的毕业典礼。 John即将64岁了,有着丰富人生阅历的他为所有毕业生送出自己的毕业赠言: Hello dear listeners, this is John McAuley, a friend of your host-Yan Zhe. I would like just to say some words of very warm and heart-felt congratulation for the listeners among us who this late spring or early summer have graduated or are going to graduate very soon. Graduation is a very personal event. It’s a great personal achievement. Somebody who has struggled and persevered for several years to reach this point. So it is a personal event but it is also a family event. Family and friends who love you, who have been supporting you over these years, making this possible, they have great pride in you now. And so that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to be feeling. And then so, it is personal, it is a family event but it is also a social event that society is able to allow young people to take some years off so that their minds are to be nourished, so that their hearts be nourished and so that they can more professionally and be able to contribute to that society. And so, having graduated years ago, I would like to welcome the newest graduates into our society, the society in which all of our listeners and our host is already a part of. I’d just like to say one thing. You know, after graduation, a lot of people say, “Well, now I am on a ladder, the ladder for career, the ladder for relationships, the ladder for perhaps marriage or some type of professional life.” And all that is true, but I think, a lot of us feel like, you know, we are all kind of on the same road. We are all kind of on the same ladder. But you know actually, I’m gonna be 64 in a very few short days. Actually, that is not true. When you look at your schooling, just think of how different everybody was in your class, then you think of the different majors they are, so the different ways of studying, the different things you studied, the different kind of like little cultures within the university, you know, science people, or sports people or arts people or language people, it isn’t all the same. So when you are studying in your life, continue to live that difference. That difference really nourishes your heart, really develops your mind. And don’t lose that. Not all of are on the same exact path. And so when you are beginning to look for a job, beginning your relationships, beginning your professional career or your work situation, I think what you have to do is---- “Ask yourself not what is my first step, my second step. Ask yourself what is my goal. At the end of my life, what do I ideally want? And then, the steps to get there become clearer. ” “不要问你自己人生的第一步,第二步是什么。问问你自己目标是什么?人生结束的时候,最想得到的是什么?然后,通往那里的步伐就会更加清晰” So, as an old man, that’s my little insight into postgraduate life. So again, congratulations, especially to graduates and it’s also so nice to be connecting to this all our listeners again. Bye bye. 垫乐 老狼-同桌的你 The O&`&Neill Brothers - Ode To Joy 录制:严喆,John ; 制作|编辑: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文