这首歌献给那些做着白日梦的痴人们 | 爱乐之城女主篇

这首歌献给那些做着白日梦的痴人们 | 爱乐之城女主篇

2016-12-28    03'24''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

51384 1730

关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看更完整的图文,背景音乐信息 清唱:潇雨 地点:北京 My aunt used to live in Paris 我舅妈曾在巴黎住过一段时间 I remember, she used to come home and she'll tell us 记得她每次来我家 就会给我们讲 stories about being abroad and 异乡生活中有趣的故事 I remember that she told us she jumped in the river once, 我记得有一次 她告诉我们 她曾调经大胆跳进过冬天的河水 Barefoot 赤着脚 She smiled, 丝毫不露怯色 Leapt, without looking 纵身一跃 And tumble into the sand 上岸后值得坐在土地上等“风干” The water was freezing 河水太冰冷 she spent a month sneezing 她打了接下来一个月的喷嚏 but said she would do it, again 但她说 要重来她还会再跳一次 Here's to the ones 这首歌献给那些 who dream 做着白日梦的痴人们 Foolish, as they may seem 尽管他们看起来傻乎乎 Here's to the hearts 这首歌献给那些 that ache 隐隐作痛的心 Here's to the mess 这首歌献给 我们目前走过的人生中 we make 一路为自己制造的小混乱 She captured a feeling 她珍藏了一片刻感觉 Sky with no ceiling 在不被天花板遮挡住的天空下 Sunset inside a frame 像定格在油画板上那样美丽的夕阳 She lives in her liqour, 泯着最爱的小酒 and died with a flicker 弹指间生命消逝 I'll always remember the flame 但我将永远记得她那些耀眼绚烂的 曾经存在过的痕迹 Here's to the ones 这首歌献给那些 who dream 做着白日梦的痴人们 Foolish, as they may seem 尽管他们看起来傻乎乎 Here's to the hearts 这首歌献给那些 that ache 隐隐作痛的心 Here's to the mess 这首歌献给 我们目前走过的人生中 we make 一路为自己制造的小混乱 She told me: 她告诉我 A bit of madness is key 一点点疯狂 是为漫漫人生 to give us new colors to see 添姿添色的灵药 Who knows where it will lead us? 谁知道它能把我们引向什么妙不可言的生活呢? Finally off the ground, 助我放飞梦想 with only someone ready to be found 只要我脚踏实地,绽放光芒 --Audition (The Fools Who Dream) 歌词 词曲:Justin Hurwitz 翻译:快习惯叫我特特 我是潇雨,See you in the La La Land. Is someone in the crowd the only thing you really see? 你的双眼,是否仅仅注目着人潮中的过客 Watching while the world keeps spinning 'round 世界瞬息万变,你却岿然不动 Somewhere there's a place where I find who I'm gonna be 总有一个地方,能实现我的梦想 A somewhere that's just waiting to be found 总有一个地方,等待着我的召唤 Someone in the crowd will be the one you need to know 人潮中的过客,也许就是生命中的贵人 Somone who can lift you off the ground 助我放飞梦想 Someone in the crowd will take you where you want to go 人潮中的过客,也许能展开我新的篇章 Someone in the crowd will make you 人潮中的过客 Someone in the crowd will take you 人潮中的过客 Finally off the ground, 助我放飞梦想 with only someone ready to be found 只要我脚踏实地,绽放光芒 --Someone In The Crowd 歌词 词曲:Justin Hurwitz 翻译:sysusz填 爱乐之城 La La Land https://v.qq.com/x/cover/5w26ewj09n3b0lz/m0344sypnfu.html 上映日期: 2017-03(中国大陆) 垫乐 Audition (The Fools Who Dream) Someone In The Crowd 主播:潇雨, 制作:雲昊,编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文