

2017-06-17    04'05''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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【点击微信右上角+号---添加朋友---公众号---搜索“为你读英语美文”---关注后查看原文,垫乐,参加互动,活动】 听友:李树轩(8岁)和妈妈 坐标:天津 Sleep Like a Rabbit / 睡得像只小兔 作者:Margaret Wise Brown Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 Tuck in your paws and lower your head. Close your blinking eyes so red. Take a deep breath on your rabbit bed And now lie down. 收起你的爪子,低下你的头 闭上你的小红眼睛,别再亮晶晶 小兔床上准备好,来个深呼吸 现在,卧倒 Sleep like a polar bear asleep in the sea, Flat on his back afloat in the sea, Up on the waves like a boat in the sea, Snoozing away like a bear on the sea. 睡得像只北极熊,海里的北极熊 仰面漂在海浪中,海浪晃呀晃 好像躺在小船里,就要睡着了 打瞌睡的北极熊,漂在海面上 Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 Why so sleepy little mole, Curled and tightly sleeping? There is no noise beneath the ground And no worms sing. 小鼹鼠,也困了 蜷成一团睡着了? 地下无声又无息 虫儿也把歌声歇 Little squirrel up in a tree, Resting there so sleepily, Fluffy tail about your head In your little wind-rocked bed. Curl up there so sleepy. 树上有只小松鼠 摇摇晃晃快睡着 毛茸茸的尾巴盖脸上 小床风中晃 蜷在里面睡得香 Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. Sleep like a rabbit, sleep like a bear. Sleep like the old cat under the chair. 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 睡得像只小兔,睡得像只熊 睡得像只老猫,椅子底下藏 ---出自《玛格丽特晚安诗》 垫乐: 贵族乐团 - 散步 朗读者:李树轩和妈妈, 制作 | 编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文