

2017-06-17    04'09''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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【点击微信右上角+号---添加朋友---公众号---搜索“为你读英语美文”---关注后查看原文,垫乐,参加互动,活动】 听友:秀秀(资深奶奶) 坐标:济南 Winter Adventure /冬天的奇遇 作者:Margaret Wise Brown Once I followed rabbit tracks Up to a hollow tree. When I looked in A rabbit looked out at me. 有一天,我跟着一只兔子 一路跑到了一个树洞口 当我往里面瞧的时候 兔子也正望着我 His ears were down, His eyes were bright, And his nose twitched Constantly. 它的耳朵垂下来 它的眼睛亮亮的 它的鼻子不停地嗅着 I put an apple there For his delight Then I stepped back — One step, Two steps, Three — 我在洞口前放了一只苹果 然后我慢慢往后退 一步,两步,三步 — He shot like a bullet From out of that tree Leaving tracks in the snow, And the apple there for me. 突然,它像颗子弹一样猛然一跃 从它的树洞里跳出来 皑皑白雪上留下它轻灵的足迹 还有我那孤零零的红苹果 ---出自《玛格丽特晚安诗》 垫乐: S.E.N.S. - Lunar Dream 朗读者:秀秀, 制作 | 编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文