权力的游戏 | 新旧诸神 · 黄茜

权力的游戏 | 新旧诸神 · 黄茜

2018-01-25    04'40''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第241期:权力的游戏 | 新旧诸神 · 黄茜 主播:黄茜 坐标:巴塞罗那,微信首播 《权力的游戏》,改编自美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》。目前,一共更新了七季。官方公布第八季,也是最后一季,将在 2019 年播出,每集的拍摄经费高达一千五百万美金。 今天,主播黄茜为你读《权力的游戏:历史与传说》之《新旧诸神》 The Old Gods and the New 新旧诸神 In the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the dominant religion is the Faith of the Seven, first brought to its shores by the Andals some 6,000 years ago. 在维斯特洛的七个王国中,主导的宗教是约6000年前,安达尔人传入的七神信仰。 But there are some who still keep to the old way, worshiping the faceless gods of the Children of the Forest and the First Men. The old gods are countless, nameless spirits of nature. 但是,有一部分人依旧保持着古老方式:崇拜森林之子和先民的无脸旧神。旧神不计其数,不可名状,是自然之灵。 In ancient times, the Children of the Forest carved faces in the trunks of the weirwood trees, which became sacred symbols of their faith. 在古代,森林之子在鱼梁木的树干上雕刻脸孔,后来成为了他们的神圣图腾。 In time, the First Men adopted the Children's gods as their own. Most castles at that time contained a godswood with a weirwood or a heart tree at its center. 后来,先民把森林之子的神奉为己神。当时,大多数城堡的中心都含有一棵鱼梁木制的神木或心木。 Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea, a new religion was born in the hills of Andalos. 与此同时,狭海对岸,一个新的宗教诞生于安达洛斯山脉。 According to legend, the God of Seven revealed itself to the Andals, and the invasion of Westeros followed soon after. 传说,七神向安达尔人显灵,随后,安达尔人发起了维斯特洛侵略。 The Andals sailed across the sea on ships, armed with weapons of steel. Some warriors carved a seven-pointed star into their skin as a symbol of their new faith. 安达尔人乘船渡海,佩戴钢铁制成的武器。一些士兵在皮肤上刻上七芒星,象征新的信仰。 The invaders destroyed most of the weirwoods in the southern land, slaughtered the Children of the Forest wherever they could find them, and conquered every kingdom of the First Men, save the North. 这些侵略者摧毁了南方陆地的绝大多数鱼梁木林,疯狂屠戮森林之子,征服先民的所有王国,除了北境。 In time, the Faith of the Seven spread like wildfire throughout the land. The Seven is a single deity with seven aspects, each symbolizing a different area of life, though most people refer to the Seven as separate gods. 后来,七神信仰像野火一样蔓延整个陆地。七神,是一个神祗的七种形态,象征七种不同的德行,虽然大多数人会分开来指七神。 The Mother is prayed to for mercy and watches over fertility, childbirth and peace. 圣母代表着慈悲,掌管生育,象征和平。 The Father sits in judgment over souls. 天父掌管对所有灵魂的审判。 The Warrior is prayed to for protection, valor and skill in battle. 战士代表着英勇,人们向他祈祷庇护和战斗技能。 The Crone is the symbol of wisdom and foresight. 老妪象征智慧和远见。 The Smith watches over creation and craftsmanship. 铁匠掌管创造和手工艺。 The Maiden symbolizes purity, love and beauty. 少女代表着纯洁,爱和美丽。 Finally, there is the Stranger - rarely prayed to - who represents death. 最后,陌客-很少有人祈祷-代表死亡。 The Faith is highly organized and deeply influential in Westerosi politics and culture, as the official religion of the monarchy. 七神信仰高度组织化,对维斯特洛的政治和文化影响深远,是王国的官方宗教。 Worshipers gather in temples of the Faith called septs. The seat of the Faith is the Great Sept of Baelor, which is located in the capital city of King's Landing. 对七神的礼拜场所被称为“圣堂”。贝勒大圣堂,是七神信仰的中心,坐落于七国首都君临。 Still, in the North, where descendants of the First Men dwell, worship of the old gods continues to this day, and the sacred faces of the weirwood trees keep close watch over the faithful. 尽管如此,在北境,先民的后人繁衍生息,对旧神的崇拜延续至今,鱼梁木上的神圣脸孔一直在守望着信众。 翻译:永清 ▎主播介绍 黄茜:巴塞罗那自治大学博士 主播:黄茜,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou