你读到春天,我已落叶纷飞 | 李元胜诗二首 · Sally

你读到春天,我已落叶纷飞 | 李元胜诗二首 · Sally

2021-04-01    07'05''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第405期 主播:Sally 坐标:广州 《良宵引》 Ode to a Good Night 作者:李元胜,Tr. Fan Jinghua 你读到爱时,爱已经不在 你读到春天,我已落叶纷飞 When you come to spring, I am full of fallen leaves In reading, when you come to love, love is already gone 一个人的阅读,和另一个人的书写 有时隔着一杯茶,有时,隔着生死 Between what one reads and what another has written Sometimes stands a cup of tea, and sometimes, life and death 我喜欢删节后的自我,很多人爱着,我剪下的枝条 直到,奇迹出现了,你用阅读追上了我 I like myself abridged, as many will love the twigs trimmed off And then a miracle appears when you catch me through reading 你读到一粒沙的沉默 而我,置身于它里面的惊涛骇浪中 You will read of the silence in a grain of sand While I find myself in its violent waves 2016.04.10 《给》 To 作者:李元胜,Tr. Fan Jinghua 我摸索着你描述的整个白天 所有可爱的事物 草丛、水池,嬉戏的孩子们 喧哗的风,眼睛里的阴影 以及一本摊开的书上 坐着的灵魂 I’ve been groping for what you have described— the day from dawn to dusk and all the lovely things such as bushes, ponds, children in a game, the noisy wind, the shadows in eyes and an open book with a soul sitting on it 我没有告诉你 我的手指上迅速扎满了小刺 But I have held from you Fine thorns have so quickly grown on my fingers 2002.5.15 ▎诗人介绍 李元胜:1963年8月出生于四川省武胜县,中国作家协会诗歌创作委员会委员,重庆市作家协会副主席。代表诗歌集《我想和你虚度时光》。 ▎主播介绍 Sally: 一枚高中语文老师