袁隆平《妈妈,稻子熟了》· 永清

袁隆平《妈妈,稻子熟了》· 永清

2021-05-26    12'08''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第414期 主播:永清 《妈妈,稻子熟了》 作者:袁隆平, 翻译:永清 稻子熟了,妈妈,我来看您了。 The rice is ripe, mom, I come to see you. 本来想一个人静静地陪您说会话,安江的乡亲们实在是太热情了,天这么热,他们还一直陪着,谢谢他们了。 I had planned to talk with you alone, but the Anjiang folks are so warmhearted. It was so hot but they accompanied us. Thank them. 妈妈,您在安江,我在长沙,隔得很远很远。我在梦里总是想着您,想着安江这个地方。 Mom, you're in Anjiang. I'm in Changsha. We are far apart. I always think of you in my dream, and think of Anjiang. 人事难料啊,您这样一位习惯了繁华都市的大家闺秀,最后竟会永远留在这么一个偏远的小山村。还记得吗?1957年,我要从重庆的大学分配到这儿,是您陪着我,脸贴着地图,手指顺着密密麻麻的细线,找了很久,才找到地图上这么一个小点点。当时您叹了口气说:“孩子,你到那儿,是要吃苦的呀……” You never know. A lady, from a respectable family who was used to bustling city, stayed in such a remote small village forever. Do you still remember? In 1957, I was assigned to this place from the university in Chongqing. You accompanied me. Face against the map, fingers along the dense thin line, you were looking for a long time, and finally found such a small point on the map. Then you sighed and said, "My child, you go there, and you will endure hardship..." 我说:“我年轻,我还有一把小提琴。” I said, "I'm young, and I have a violin." 没想到的是,为了我,为了帮我带小孩,把您也拖到了安江。最后,受累吃苦的,是妈妈您哪!您哪里走得惯乡间的田埂!我总记得,每次都要小孙孙牵着您的手,您才敢走过屋前屋后的田间小道。 Unexpectedly, for me and for looking after my kids, you came to Anjiang. In the end, it is mom you who endure hardship. How could you be used to the ridge between fields! I always remember, every time your little grandson holds your hand, you dare to walk through the field path before and behind the house. 安江是我的一切,我却忘了,对一辈子都生活在大城市里的您来说,70岁了,一切还要重新来适应。我从来没有问过您有什么难处,我总以为会有时间的,会有时间的,等我闲一点一定好好地陪陪您…… Anjiang is everything to me, but I forgot, for you who have lived in a big city most of your life, you have to adapt everything again in the age of 70. I never asked if you have any difficulty. I always think there is time, there is time, as long as I have time, I will accompany you. 哪想到,直到您走的时候,我还在长沙忙着开会。那天正好是中秋节,全国的同行都来了,搞杂交水稻不容易啊,我又是召集人,怎么着也得陪大家过这个节啊,只是儿子永远亏欠妈妈您了…… Who would have thought till you passed away, I was busying having a meeting in Changsha. It happened to be Mid-autumn Festival, industry peers nationwide gathered. It is not easy to carry on hybrid rice career. I was the organizer. Anyhow I should accompany peers to celebrate the festival. However, your son owes you forever, mom. 其实我知道,那个时候已经是您的最后时刻。我总盼望着妈妈您能多撑两天。谁知道,即便是天不亮就往安江赶,我还是没能见上妈妈您最后一面。 In fact, I know it was your last moment. I was always looking forward that you could live two days more. Who knows, even though I hurried on my way to Anjiang before daybreak, I didn’t make it to see you one last time. 太晚了,一切都太晚了,我真的好后悔。妈妈,当时您一定等了我很久,盼了我很长,您一定有很多话要对儿子说,有很多事要交代。可我怎么就那么糊涂呢!这么多年,为什么我就不能少下一次田,少做一次实验,少出一天差,坐下来静静地好好陪陪您。哪怕……哪怕就一次。 Too late, it's too late, I regret so much. Mom, you must have waited for me for a long time, and expected me for a long time. You must have a lot to say to your son, and lot to reminder me. But why am I so confused! All these years, why can't I go to field one time less, do experiment one time less, go to business trip one day less, to sit down and spend time with you quietly. Even if…even if once. 妈妈,每当我的研究取得成果,每当我在国际讲坛上谈笑风生,每当我接过一座又一座奖杯,我总是对人说,这辈子对我影响最深的人就是妈妈您啊! Mom, whenever my research achieves results, whenever I talk and laugh in the international forum, whenever I take over one trophy after another, I always say to people, mom, you are the most influential person in my life! 无法想象,没有您的英语启蒙,在一片闭塞中,我怎么能够阅读世界上最先进的科学文献,用超越那个时代的视野,去寻访遗传学大师孟德尔和摩尔根?无法想象,在那段颠沛流离的岁月中,从北平到汉口,从桃源到重庆,没有您的执著和鼓励,我怎么能获得系统的现代教育,获得在大江大河中自由翱翔的胆识?无法想象,没有您在摇篮前跟我讲尼采,讲这位昂扬着生命力、意志力的伟大哲人,我怎么能够在千百次的失败中坚信,必然有一粒种子可以使万千民众告别饥饿? I can't imagine, without your English enlightenment, in a closed era, how could I read the most advanced scientific literatures to transcend the horizon of that era, and to search for genetics masters Mendel and Morgan? I can't imagine, without your persistent encouragement, how could I acquire systematic modern education and the courage to fly freely in the world of knowledge? I can't imagine, without you talking with me Nietzsche, the great philosopher full of vitality and will power, how could I firmly believe that among the thousands of failure, there must be one seed which would keep people away from starvation. 他们说,我用一粒种子改变了世界。我知道,这粒种子,是妈妈您在我幼年时种下的! They said, I changed the world by a seed. I know, this seed was planted by you in my childhood. 稻子熟了,妈妈,您能闻到吗?安江可好?那里的田埂是不是还留着熟悉的欢笑?隔着21年的时光,我依稀看见,小孙孙牵着您的手,走过稻浪的背影;我还要告诉您,一辈子没有耕种过的母亲,稻芒划过手掌,稻草在场上堆积成垛,谷子在阳光中毕剥作响,水田在西晒下泛出橙黄的味道。这都是儿子要跟您说的话,说不完的话啊…… The rice is ripe, mom, can you smell it? How is Anjiang? Is there familiar laughter in the fields? After 21 years, I still can see your little grandson holds you hand and walked through the rice waves. I also want to tell you, a mother, who has never planted rice in her life, caresses the ears of rice with palm. The rice straws pile on the ground. The grain is crackling in the sunshine. The fields are glowing with orange hue in the western exposure of the sun. All these are the words your son wants to say to you, endless words. 妈妈,稻子熟了,我想您了! Mom, the rice is ripe, I miss you! ▎主播介绍 永清:born in 云南,graduate from 西安外国语大学