困在时间里的父亲 · 永清

困在时间里的父亲 · 永清

2021-06-23    08'58''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第417期 主播:永清 “I feel as if I'm losing my all leaves. The branches and the wind and the rain. I have nowhere to put my head down anymore. 我感觉好像我的叶子都掉光了。树枝,还有风和雨。我再也没有栖息之地了。” When I Wander 作者:佚名,翻译:永清 When I wander don’t tell me to come and sit down. Wander with me. It may be because I am hungry, thirsty, need the toilet. Or maybe I just need to stretch my legs. 当我到处走的时候, 别和我说:来,坐下。 陪我一起走走。 可能是因为我饿了,渴了,需要上厕所。 或者我只是需要活动一下腿脚。 When I call for my mother (even though I’m ninety!) don’t tell me she has died. Reassure me, cuddle me, ask me about her. It may be that I am looking for the security that my mother once gave me. 当我呼唤妈妈时 (尽管我已经90岁) 别告诉我她死了。 安慰我,拥抱我,问问我关于她的一些事情。 可能我在寻找 妈妈曾经给过我的安全感。 When I shout out please don’t ask me to be quiet…or walk by. I am trying to tell you something, but have difficulty in telling you what. Be patient. Try to find out. I may be in pain. 当我大叫时, 请不要让我保持安静…或者走开。 我在试着告诉你些什么, 只是很难说出来。 耐心一点,试着找出究竟。 我可能处于痛苦之中。 When I become agitated or appear angry, please don’t reach for the drugs first. I am trying to tell you something. It may be too hot, too bright, too noisy. Or maybe it’s because I miss my loved ones. Try to find out first. 当我变得烦躁或生气时, 请不要先拿药给我。 我在试着告诉你些什么, 可能太热,太亮,太吵。 或许是因为我思念爱的人们。 试着找出究竟。 When I don’t eat my dinner or drink my tea it may be because I’ve forgotten how to. Show me what to do, remind me. It may be that I just need to hold my knife and fork I may know what to do then. 当我不吃饭也不喝茶的时候 可能是因为我忘了怎么做。 给我演示一下,或者提醒我, 或许只要拿着刀叉, 我就知道怎么做了。 When I push you away while you’re trying to help me wash or get dressed, maybe it’s because I have forgotten what you have said. Keep telling me what you are doing over and over and over. 当我把你推开 在你帮我清洗或穿衣服的时候, 也许是因为我忘了你说的话。 请不厌其烦地告诉我你在做什么, 一遍一遍又一遍。 Maybe others will think you’re the one that needs the help! With all my thoughts and maybes, perhaps it will be you who reaches my thoughts, understands my fears, and will make me feel safe. 也许别人会认为 你才是需要帮助的人! 你了解我的想法,我的怀疑, 也许你才是 能触碰到我的想法, 理解我的恐惧, 让我感觉到安全的人。 Maybe it will be you who I need to thank. 也许你, 才是我需要感谢的人。 If only I knew how. 如果我知道怎么做的话。 ▎主播介绍 永清:出生于云南,毕业于西安外国语大学