别丢掉 林徽因

别丢掉 林徽因

2018-03-11    01'39''

主播: 窝窝头🍮

34 0

别丢掉 Don’t cast away 这一把过往的热情, This handful passion of the bygone day, 现在流水似的, 轻轻 Which flows like running water soft and light 在幽冷的山泉底, Beneath the cool and tranquil fountain, 在黑夜,在松林, At dead of night, In pine-clad mountain, 叹息似的渺茫, 你仍要保存着那真! As vague as sighs, but you Should e’er be true. 一样是明月, The moon is still so bright; 一样是隔山灯火, Beyond the hills the lamp sheds the same light. 满天的星, 只有人不见, The sky be sprinkled with star upon star, But I do not know where you are. 梦似的挂起, It seems You hang above like dreams. 你向黑夜要回 那一句话——你仍得相信 You ask the dark night to give back your word, 山谷中留着 有那回音! But its echo is heard And buried though unseen Deep, deep in the ravine.
上一期: 再别康桥
下一期: 如果有来生