20190131-春节传统食物 B

20190131-春节传统食物 B

2019-01-31    00'55''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

148 0

2019-01-31春节传统食物 B 数以亿计的人聚焦到当地的餐厅和酒吧去享受一场激动人心、进球不断的足球嘉年华。很多球员,例如C罗、梅西、内马尔,对很多人来说意义非凡。 Billions of people gather together to local restaurants and bars to feast on an exciting football carnival with loads and loads of superb goals. Many of the footballers like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, and Neymar mean something special (to a lot of fans). 汤圆象征着全家团圆,因为汤圆的中文听起来就像是团聚和圆满。压岁钱不应该给奇数的,因为偶数象征着快乐和好运成双。 Sweet dumplings symbolize reunion for the whole family because the Mandarin words for sweet dumplings sound like togetherness. Odd numbers of lucky money shouldn’t be given because even numbers symbolize a double in happiness and good fortune. 作为结婚的礼仪之一,提亲礼物,又叫做聘礼,需要提交给新娘的父母,同时附带一套房一辆车。在中国文化中,礼物代表了诚意。为了获得新娘父母的首肯,经济实力是必须的。 As part of the etiquettes, wedding gifts called “Pin Li” are presented to the bride’s parents as well as a house and a car. In Chinese culture the gifts symbolize sincerity. In order to receive the permission from the bride’s parents, financial capability is required.