20190326-演员的自我修养 Lesson B

20190326-演员的自我修养 Lesson B

2019-03-26    00'42''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

46 0

2019.03.26 演员的自我修养 Lesson B   1. 模拟第一句: 我和其他人一样,也很喜欢美式英语发音,但是我不知道关于语音语调的那么多令人脑洞大开的诀窍,真的非常有趣。 I like American accent like everybody else, but I didn’t know the mind-blowing secrets of intonation or pitch, and it was just fascinating.   2. 模拟第二句: 当我听说,她甚至可能嫁给那个男人,我就开始给所有我们共同的朋友打电话,我能联系到的每一个人。那时他们还没有登记,所以我立刻飞到新加坡。寻找我丢失的爱人以及那个混蛋。 As soon as I heard she might even marry the man, I just started contacting all the mutual friends, every person I could get ahold of. And then they weren’t officially registered, so I flew myself out to Singapore and start looking for my lost love and that asshole.   3. 模拟第三句: 怀孕需要一段时间来适应,吃饭不方便,睡觉不方便、走路也不方便。但是到了要生的时候,我又是如此喜欢这种感受。没有宝宝在身体里,我觉得很空虚,于是,我又怀孕了。 The pregnancy took a while to get used to, hard to eat with it, hard to sleep with it, and hard to walk with it, but I appreciated it so much by the end of it. I just felt empty without it. I had it happen again.