翻唱 Last Kiss

翻唱 Last Kiss

2019-02-22    06'08''

主播: L. Z

5370 106

Last Kiss 最後一個吻 翻譯@SelCampbell I still remember the look on your face 我依舊記得你臉上的表情 Lit through the darkness at 1:58 點亮了凌晨1點58分的夜空 The words that you whispered 那些耳邊輕輕劃過的,你說的悄悄話 For just us to know 那是我們之間的小秘密 You told me you loved me 你告訴我,你愛過我 So why did you go 那就請告訴我, 你為什麼要離開 Away 去了很遙遠的地方 I do recall now 我尋回了我的記憶 The smell of the rain 我記得那雨滴的味道 Fresh on the pavement 好像一秒前,才降落到路面上般晶瑩剔透 I ran off the plane 我逃離了那架即將離開地面的飛機 That July 9th 那個七月的第九天 The beat of your heart 我能感受到你心的跳動 It jumps through your shirt 即使在厚厚的外衣的包裹下 I can still feel your arms 依舊能感受到你臂膀帶來的溫暖 But now I'll go sit on the floor 但是,現在,我獨自一人,坐在地板上 Wearing your clothes 穿著殘留你氣味的衣服 All that I know is that I don't know how to be something you miss 我所知道的一切,是我不知道怎麼樣才能成為,你會懷念的那一個 Never thought we'd have a last kiss 不曾想過,那會是我們最後的一個吻 Never imagined we'd end like this 不曾料到,我們的結局盡會是這樣 Your name, forever the name on my lips 你的名字,永遠留於我的唇齒之間 I do remember 我清楚的記得 The swing in your step 你步調的擺動 The life of the party, you're showing off again 在生活這場派對裡,又一次的成功的炫耀著 And I roll my eyes and then 我揉了一揉我的眼睛, You pull me in 然後,你拉我進入這場舞會 I'm not much for dancing 我不是一個喜歡跳舞的女孩 But for you I did 但是,為了你,我在腳底開出花朵 Because I love your handshake Me and my father 因為,我愛上了, 你和我父親握手的方式 I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets 我愛上了,你走路時總是把手放在口袋裡的樣子 How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something 你是如何在我喋喋不休的時候突然吻我 There's not a day when I don't miss those rude interruptions 沒有一天,我不懷念這個“粗魯的打斷方式” But now I'll go sit on the floor 但是現在,我獨自一人坐在地板上 Wearing your clothes 穿著殘留著你氣味的衣服 All that I know is that I don't know how to be something you miss 我所知道的一切,是我不知道怎麼樣才能成為,你會懷念的那一個 Never thought we'd have a last kiss 不曾想過,那會是我們最後的一個吻 Never imagined we'd end like this 不曾料到,我們的結局盡會是這樣 Your name, forever the name on my lips 你的名字,永遠留於我的唇齒之間 So I'll watch you live in pictures like I used to watch you sleep 現在,我只能看著照片裡的你,想像著我還像以前一樣偷偷的看你睡著的樣子