You are the reason 翻唱

You are the reason 翻唱

2020-01-01    03'24''

主播: L. Z

346 3

过新的一年,我在感冒中度过哈哈。翻唱的不好听,还请体谅,耳塞了听不太到自己有没有跑调嘻嘻嘻。祝各位新年快乐!生活愉快!健健康康!平平安安!心想事成! You are the reason by Calum Scott 你就是我付出一切的理由 I'd climb every mountain 我願意翻山越嶺 And swim every ocean 並游過汪洋大海 Just to be with you 只為了與你在一起 And fix what I've broken 好讓我彌補我所搞砸的一切 Oh, ‘cause I need you to see 噢,因為我想要你知道 That you are the reason 你就是我付出一切的理由