Apples and Bananas

Apples and Bananas

2018-08-03    01'37''

主播: 西安Judy

4010 43

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays I like to ate ate ate ay-ples and ba-nay-nays I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees I like to eat eat eat ee-ples and bee-nee-nees I like to ite ite ite ii-ples and bi-ni-nis I like to ite ite ite ii-ples and bi-ni-nis I like to ote ote ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos I like to ote ote ote oh-ples and bo-no-nos I like to ute ute ute up-ples and bu-nu-nus I like to ute ute ute up-ples and bu-nu-nus
上一期: The Blacksmith
下一期: Sing For the Joy of Singing