

2019-10-08    03'54''

主播: 青囊和声

172 5

Discussion on the body viewpoint 'cold head and warm foot' from ancient Chinese medical experts Abstract: The body viewpoint 'cold head and warm foot' from ancient Chinese medical experts has regained attention after the discovery of Mawangdui silk book Mai Fa (Book A) and Zhangjiashan bamboo slips Mai Fa (Book B) However, this body viewpoint was always applied in regimen but its origin and thinking characteristics have been ignored. This study aimed at analyzing the theoretical basis of the viewpoint from intuitive understanding and classification according to manifestation based on the research of its origin, thinking method and application, moreover to comprehensively discuss the application of this body viewpoint in therapeutics, acupuncture and moxibustion, regimen, folklore and moderm science. 早期医家身体观之“寒头暖足”探讨 摘要:马王堆帛书《脉法》甲本和张家山竹简《脉法》乙本的出土,使得中国早期医家身体观“寒头暖足”得以重现,但是人们基本上都把这一身体观用于养生学的探讨中,而忽视了这思想的来源及其思维特征。 文章通过对“寒头暖足”之提出、思维方式及其应用的系统梳理,首次从直觉体悟和取象比类的思维分析了“寒头暖足”的理论依据,并全面论述了“寒头暖足”在治疗学、针灸学、养生学、民俗学及现代科学等方面的运用。