Take the bull by the horns

Take the bull by the horns

2017-05-08    00'51''

主播: 剑兄的私人播客

38 0

Idiom of the Day ''take the bull by the horns" -Meaning: If you take the bull by the horns, you deal with a problem or a challenge in a direct and fearless way. For example: 1. Pauline wasn't happy with the manager's decision, so she took the bull by the horns and demanded to see him in order to discuss the matter. 2. The magazine's sales were falling, so the owner took the bull by the horns and replaced the editor, had the layout redesigned, and brought in new writers. "Great achievement are built day by day, step by step, by people just like you. Greatness comes from ordinary actions, persistence and commitment."
上一期: The President
下一期: Attorney