Dragon boat racing

Dragon boat racing

2017-05-30    01'44''

主播: 剑兄的私人播客

17 0

The popularity of dragon boat racing Dragon boat racing became an international sport after Hong Kong hosted the first international races in 1976. Since then it has developed into a widely successful annual event. Once the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) formed in 1991, the sport gained popularity across the world. It's estimated that over 90,000 take part in the sport in the USA and Canada.  Dragon boating gained popularity in North America given its competitive but fun quality and its emphasis on team participation which fosters a sense of community.  A typical dragon boat consists of ten rows that each seat two paddlers. The drummer at the head keeps time and will beat a drum during races, while a steersman stands at the back to keep the boat within its lane. The first two paddlers are responsible for synchronizing their strokes together and keeping pace for the rest of the boat. Whether your race is 200m or 2000m, you need to trust your fellow 19 team members to paddle as one across the finish line. No matter how you place, dragon boat is a sport that involves immense hard work, teamwork, and dedication, and will test the limits of your physical and mental strength. 赛龙舟的普及程度 自从1976年香港举办了第一届国际比赛,赛龙舟就变成了一项国际运动。自从那时起,就变成了一个成功的年度项目。在1991年国际龙舟基金会(IDBF)成立以后,这项运动在全球都很有人气。据统计,美国和加拿大有90000与人参与划龙舟。 龙舟在北美的普及源于它既竞争激烈、又不失娱乐性,同时又强调团队协作,有助于培养团体意识。 一个龙舟一般有十排,每排有两个浆。鼓手在船头控制时间,在比赛中击鼓,而舵手在船尾控制航线。头两个划桨手负责让他们的步调一致,和其他人保持一样的节奏。 不管你选择200米还是2000米,你都需要信任你的19名队友齐心协力闯过终点。不管你是如何定位他的,龙舟是一项包括了巨大努力,团队协作,付出的运动,需要你挑战生理和心理上的极限。 ––《开言英语》