Asian vs. Western Karaoke 亚洲卡拉OK vs 西方卡拉OK Although the idea is the same, there is a big difference between Western karaoke and karaoke in East Asia. For the most part, the major difference is that Western karaoke takes place in a regular bar on a special night of the week, and the people sing on a stage in front of other bar patrons who they've never met. There is often a "karaoke night" that happens regularly at the bar, usually on a weekday, although some bars have karaoke every night. It's a fun, casual way for friends to get up and sing their favorite songs like a real singer. It is also generally free to sing at a karaoke bar. However, karaoke is certainly not as big an industry as it is in Asia. Most bars usually have a karaoke night, and there are usually a few places to find a karaoke bar, but it doesn't compare to the booming karaoke industry in countries like China, South Korea and Japan. 虽然概念上差不多,但是西方的卡拉OK和东亚的还是有很大不同。最主要的差别在于,西方的卡拉OK一般存在于酒吧里,在一周里某个特殊的晚上,人们会站到舞台中央,听众都是一些之前没见过的酒吧顾客。这通常叫做卡拉OK之夜,通常发生在周内某一天,当然也有些酒吧天天都有卡拉OK。朋友们随意上台唱唱自己喜欢的歌,像歌手一样。通常在酒吧唱卡拉OK是免费的。但是不像在中国,卡拉OK已经成为一个产业。大部分酒吧都有卡拉OK,但是跟中国、韩国和日本这样的卡拉OK蓬勃发展的国家肯定是不能比。
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