summer wine(夏日美酒)

summer wine(夏日美酒)

2017-07-08    04'26''

主播: 悦悦己者

353 5

一首极具异域风情的歌,在一个夏日的夜晚,独酌一杯,听一听这首歌吧。 《Summer Wine》歌词 (Lana Del Rey): Strawberries, cherries and an angels’ kissing spring  草莓,樱桃和天使的春日之吻 My summer wine is really made from all these things  我的夏日美酒由此酿成 (Barrie-James O'Neill): I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled tune A song that I had only sing to just a few 我哼着仅数人听过的微醺曲调带着银色马刺走在小镇上 She saw my silver spurs and said  “Let’s spare some time and I will give to you summer wine”  她看见我的银色马刺,说道:“休息一下,我请你喝夏日美酒。” Oh, oh, summer wine  噢——夏日美酒 (Lana Del Rey): *Strawberries, cherries and the angels’ kissing spring  草莓,樱桃和天使的春日之吻 My summer wine is really made from all these things  我的夏日美酒由此酿成 Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time  脱下你的银色马刺,和我一起共度时光吧 And I will give to you summer wine  我会给你我的夏日美酒 Oh, summer wine  噢——夏日美酒 (Barrie-James O'Neill): My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak  我的双眼疲惫,乏于启齿 I’ve tried to get up but I couldn’t find my feet  我试着起身,却步履踉跄 She reassured me with an unfamiliar line  她用陌生的话语安抚我 And then she gave to me more summer wine  随后拿给我更多的夏日美酒 More summer wine  噢——夏日美酒 (Barrie-James O'Neill) When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes  当我醒来时,阳光已直射双眼 My silver spurs were gone  我的银色马刺不翼而飞 My head felt twice its size  头晕目眩 She took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime  是她带走了我的银色马刺和一元一角 And left me craving for more summer wine  留下沉醉在夏日美酒里的我 More summer wine  噢——夏日美酒