《敕勒歌》Song of the Chile Nomadic Tribe

《敕勒歌》Song of the Chile Nomadic Tribe

2015-02-01    09'44''

主播: 糖霜Sher

1250 44

《敕勒歌》选自《乐府诗集》,是南北朝时期黄河以北的北朝流传的一首民歌。民歌歌咏了北国草原壮丽富饶的风光,抒写敕勒人热爱家乡热爱生活的豪情。全诗风格明朗豪爽,境界开阔,语言明白如话,艺术概括力极强,一直受到历代文论家和文学史论著的一致好评。 关于这首《敕勒歌》,其实它的英文译本有很多。在此选用的是据说迄今为止最好的版本。 敕勒歌 民歌 敕勒川,阴山下。 天似穹庐,笼盖四野。 天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。 Song of the Chile Nomadic Tribe Flok Song The Chile nomadic tribe’s prairie, Spreading across the Mount Yin valley, The sky overhead,like a huge dome, Shrouds the prairie that is our home. The sky is an azure vastness, The open prairie is boundless. Bent over in the wind are grasses green, When scattered cattle and sheep can be seen. Note:The Chile nomadic nationality live in Tumote Qi of the present Inner Mongolia. This is a folksong circulating among the Chile ethnic nationality,cited from The Folksongs and Ballads Collected by a Special Literature Office in the Han Dynasty.This folksong,regarded as a wonder of art in the literature of the minority nationalities of China,once produced an important effect on the history of Chineses literature.It is said to be the first to depict the vast expanse of China’s northern border area and the picturesque splendor of the grassland in the autumn season.Written energetically and in a simple style,it presents a fine picture in which cattle and sheep haunt the green waves of lush grasses over a vast prairie,quite capable of rousing a love for natural scenery. 草原之美,不是windows默认壁纸和现代人贫乏的想象力所能描绘的。关于草原的诗有很多,文章有很多,歌曲也有很多,比如凤凰传奇的《我和草原有个约定》。虽然凤凰传奇被称为“农业重金属”而为很多人不齿,其实很大程度上是被广场舞大妈玩坏了。这首歌还有个中国爱乐乐团的交响乐版本,严肃的西洋交响乐和悠扬的东方马头琴,传统与传统的碰撞,草原的辽阔在马头琴的韵中一路铺陈开来,农业重金属也可以变得如此典雅从容。