《长恨歌》Song of Everlasting Regret(二)

《长恨歌》Song of Everlasting Regret(二)

2015-08-18    07'58''

主播: 糖霜Sher

894 38

开头的BGM是KOKIA的《花宴》前奏,接着是陶笛《千年风雅》,最后是《雨碎江南》。 抽风将题目读成“ Song of an Everlasting Regret ”了,我错了TUT英译也有好几个念错的地方QAQ 难以做到完美,只能尽量做好,谢谢大家的包涵~~/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 此为人为分割的第二部分 → (二) 骊宫高处入青云,仙乐风飘处处闻。缓歌慢舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。 渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲。九重城阙烟尘生,千乘万骑西南行。 翠华摇摇行复止,西出都门百余里。六军不发无奈何,宛转蛾眉马前死。 花钿委地无人收,翠翘金雀玉搔头。君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流。 黄埃散漫风萧索,云栈萦纡登剑阁。峨嵋山下少人行,旌旗无光日色薄 蜀江水碧蜀山青,圣主朝朝暮暮情。行宫见月伤心色,夜雨闻铃肠断声。 天旋地转回龙驭,到此踌躇不能去。马嵬坡下泥土中,不见玉颜空死处。 君臣相顾尽沾衣,东望都门信马归。归来池苑皆依旧,太液芙蓉未央柳。 芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂。春风桃李花开日,秋雨梧桐叶落时。 西宫南内多秋草,落叶满阶红不扫。(花开日 一作:花开夜;南内 一作:南苑) 梨园弟子白发新,椒房阿监青娥老。夕殿萤飞思悄然,孤灯挑尽未成眠。 迟迟钟鼓初长夜,耿耿星河欲曙天。鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重,翡翠衾寒谁与共。 悠悠生死别经年,魂魄不曾来入梦。 The palace on Mount Li was cloud-kissing high, From which leisurely music floated far and nigh. In harmony were the dulcet songs and light dancing, The sovereigh was made happy from morning till evening. Then the An Lushan Rebellion came forth like thunder, Waking the emperor from his dreams of pleasure. A lone procession was hurried from the capital Chang’an, A stream of steeds and wagons fleeing southwest to Sichuan. At a place thirty miles from the west gate of the royal city, The green feather-woven flag waved and stopped marching. Officers and soldiers demanded to kill the First Lady, Then before his horse a famous beauty met her death, bleeding. All her ornaments were scattered on the ground, Which were as costly in the world as could be found. Of no help for her, the sovereigh covered his face, weeping, He turned round, his tears and her blood streaming. The yellow dust rose like a curtain, the cold wind howling, A cloud-kissing mountain path led them onward, zigazgging. At the foot of the mountain few travelers could be seen, In the dim evening sunlight the royal banners lacked sheen. Facing the mountains and rivers in Sichuan that were green, For her death the wise emperor’s sorrow was all day keen. At the temporal palace the moon shone cold on his curtain, At the sound of the night rain against bells he felt heart-broken. In the royal carriage he returned when the situation did improved, But at the sight of her grave he hesitated to move. In the earth of the Mawei Slope on which she died, He could see his first lady no more but only sighed. He and his men looked at each other, tearfully laden, They rode east towards the capital, looking crestfallen. The palaces ad parklands-all remained the same as before, As did the royal lotus and willows at court he saw. The lotus was like her face, the leaves her eyebrows, but lifeless. How could he stop his tears from streaming at the sight of this? The vernal breeze blows when peach and pear trees are blooming, The Taiji and Xingping palaces were profuse with weeds wanton, The unswept steps were all covered with red leaves fallen. The royal musicians ans songsters began to grow hair white, So did the bower maids who were kept busy day and night. He felt sad when he saw glowworms fly in the evening hall. When the lone lamp burnt off he couldn’t sleep at all. The night seemed long when he heard the bell tower tolling, He watched the bright Milky Way till next morning. Years had past since she died and merciless time seemed in flight, Her ghost had never come to haunt his dreams at night. On paried tiles of the roof a heavy frost descending, Could his Lady come and share the cold quilt with him,sleeping?