Five little fishes swimming in a pool. 五条小鱼在池塘游玩。 The first one said, 第一条鱼说, The pool is cool. 池塘太冷了。 The second one said, 第二条鱼说, The pool is deep. 池塘水太深了。 The third one said, 第三条鱼说, I want to sleep. 我想睡觉了。 The fourth one said, 第四条鱼说, Let’s dive and dip. 让我们一起潜水吧。 The fifth one said, 第五条鱼说, I spy a ship. 我发现了一条船。 The boat comes, and a line goes kerplash. 船来了,水浪激起了。 Away the five little fishies dash! 将五条小鱼冲走了!
上一期: Lilltle Jack Horner
下一期: Jack and Jill