

2017-04-26    04'55''

主播: 刺猬鲜生

210 16

BGM: Main Title-Aaron Zigman The Promise_Secret Garden 节目中文章段落选自当代美国首屈一指的“纯爱小说畅销天王” Nicholas Sparks的《恋恋笔记本》,故事讲述的是:很多年前,诺亚与年轻貌美的艾丽坠入爱河,但艾丽的不辞而别使这段恋情戛然而止。失望的诺亚毅然参军,二战后,诺亚回到北卡罗来纳州,又重新爱上了十多年未见的艾丽的故事。故事写得是美国的南国风光,写得是分开之苦痛无奈,写得是两个相爱之人兜兜转转后必然的久别重逢,是比遗忘短比爱情长的灵魂相依,是写给你不忍句读一读再读的字句。 今天,在这里,夜色的播音小姐姐用她温柔独特的嗓音,把最原汁原味的小说读给你听。 Although he listened well and they seldom argued, he was not the type of man to talk like this. Liker her father. He wasn’t comfortable sharing his thoughts and feelings. 虽然洛恩是个很好的倾听者,他们也很少吵架,但他却不是个会像这样跟人聊天的男人。洛恩跟她的父亲同属一类,不喜欢跟人分享自己的想法和感受。 She’d tried to explain that she needed to be closer to him, but it had never seemed to make a difference. 她曾试过告诉他自己需要更深入地了解他,但似乎总不奏效。 But sitting here now, she realized what she’d been missing. 此刻坐在这里,她意识到了自己一直在怀念什么。 The sky grew darker and the moon rose higher as the evening wore on. And without either of them being conscious of it, they began to regain the intimacy, the bond of familiarity, they had once shared. 天色更暗了,夜色愈深,月儿越爬越高。在不经意间,他们又重拾起了那份亲密,重新体验了那种熟识的感觉。 They finished dinner, both pleased with the meal, neither talking much now. Noah looked at his watch and saw that it was getting late. The stars were out in full, the crickets a little quieter. 两人对晚餐感到满意。晚饭过后,二人都言语不多。诺亚看了看表,才惊觉已经很晚了。繁星满天,蟋蟀也变得安静了些。 “It’s been quite a night,” he said, his voice softer now. “真是个美好的夜晚。”他说。他的声音变得柔和起来。 “Yes, it has,” she said, “a wonderful night.” “是啊。”她说。“是个美妙的夜晚。” Noah turned to the stars, their twinkling lights reminding him that she would be leaving soon, and he felt almost empty inside. This was a night he wanted never to end. How should he tell her? What could he say that would make her stay? 诺亚仰头看天,闪烁的星光提醒他艾丽很快要离开了,他觉得自己的内心像要被掏空了。他希望这个夜晚永远不要结束。他要怎么对她说?他要说什么才能让她留下来? She was crying because they might never see each other again, and she wondered how she could ever be happy again. 她哭了,因为他们也许再不能相见,她不知道自己还能不能快乐起来。 Instead of answering, he pressed a note into her hand, which she read on the way home. She had saved it, occasionally reading all of it or sometimes just a part. One part she’d read at least a hundred times, and for some reason it ran through her head now. It said: 他没有回答,而将一张纸条塞进她手里,她在回家的路上读了。她保留了下来,有时候她会从头到尾通读一遍,有时候只读一部分。有一部分她至少读了上百遍,因为有些原因,现在她又想起来了。上面写道: The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other. And maybe each time, we’ve been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come. 分离之所以痛彻心扉是因为我们灵魂相连。也许它们一直紧密相连,也将永远继续下去。也许,今生前,我们已轮回过千次,在每一次轮回中我们都找到了彼此。而也许每一次,我们都因同样的原因劳燕分飞。这意味着我们这次分别不仅是对过去一万年的道别,也预示着即将到来的一切。 When I look at you, I see your beauty and grace and know they have grown stronger with every life you have lived. And I know I have spent every life before this one searching for you, not someone like you, but you, for your soul and mine must always come together. And then, for a reason neither of us understands, we’ve been forced to say goodbye. 当我看着你时,我看到了你的美丽、优雅,我知道你每经历一个轮回,你的美和优雅便增长一份。我知道,我在人世的每一次轮回中都在苦苦追寻着你。不是你的影子,而是你,因为你我心灵相通,灵魂相连。然后,因为我们不能理解的原因,我们不得不说再见。 I would love to tell you that everything will work out for us, and I promise to do all I can to make sure it does. But if we never meet again and this is truly goodbye, I know we will see each other again in another life. We will find each other again, and maybe the stars will have changed, and we will not only love each other in that time, but for all the times we’ve had before. 我想告诉你一切都会为我们自行解决的,我向你保证我会尽我所能让它实现。但如果此一别便是永远,如果这次是真正的生离死别,不要伤心,我知道我们会在另一个轮回中重逢。我们又会找到彼此,纵然斗转星移,我们不仅在那世相爱,也在前世无数个轮回中相爱。