Like This

Like This

2020-07-03    03'02''

主播: Jane Ding 08

376 1

If anyone asks you how the perfect satisfaction of all our sexual wanting will look, lift your face and say, Like this. When someone mentions the gracefulness of the nightsky, climb up on the roof and dance and say, Like this. If anyone wants to know what "spirits" is or what "God's fragrance" means, lean your head toward him or her. Keep your face there close. Like this. When someone quotes the old poetic image about clouds gradually uncovering the moon, slowly loosen knot by knot the strings of your robe. Like this. If anyone wonders how Jesus raised the dead, don’t try to explain the miracle. Kiss me on the lips. Like this. Like this. When someone asks what it means to "die for love" point here. If someone asks how tall I am, frown and measure with your fingers the space between the creases on your forehead. This tall. The soul sometimes leaves the body, then returns. When someone doesn’t believe that, walk back into my house. Like this. When lovers moan, they’re telling our story. Like this. I am a sky where spirits live. Stare into this deepening blue, while the breeze says a secret. Like this. When someone asks what there is to do, light the candle in his hand. Like this. How did Joseph’s scent come to Jacob? Huuuuu. How did Jacob’s sight return? Huuuu. A little wind cleans the eyes. Like this. When Shams comes back from Tabriz, he’ll put just his head around the edge of the door to surprise us Like this. From ‘The Essential Rumi’, Translations by Coleman Barks with John Moyne. 《如果有人这样问,你就这样说》/鲁米 肖林振 亡为而亡不为 来自专栏鲁米的诗 在这世上, 欲仙欲死的情爱是什么样的 如果有人这样问,你就抬起头说 就象这样 当有人提及夜空多么美妙 你就爬上屋顶舞蹈,说 就象这样 如果有人想知道灵魂 或者本真的芳香是什么 你就将脸贴近他或她的脸 就象这样 云层缓缓流动,挡住了月亮 当有人吟诵这样的诗句 你就慢慢解开长袍的衣扣 就象这样 如果有人想知道耶稣是如何施行 起死回生之术的,不要枉然解释这个奇迹 而是亲吻我的嘴唇 就象这样,就象这样 当有人请教“为爱而死”的含义 你就指指这里 如果有人询问我的身高 那就皱起眉头,然后用手指 丈量眉宇间皱纹的长短 我有这样高 有时灵魂会离开身体,然后又回来。 要是有人不相信, 那就走回我的房间。 就象这样 当爱者在呻吟 他们是在讲述我们的故事 就象这样 我是灵魂寓居的一片蓝天, 当微风倾吐秘密的时候, 你就仰望湛蓝的天空, 就象这样 当有人问还要干什么事, 你就点燃他手中的蜡烛 就像这样 约瑟夫的气味是 怎样传到雅各布那里的 呼 雅各布的视力是 怎样恢复的 呼 一阵清风洗刷双眼 就象这样 当萨玛士从大不里士回来 他会从门缝探出脑袋 给我们一个惊喜 就象这样 肖林振/译
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