职场英语 面试篇(二)介绍自己的优势

职场英语 面试篇(二)介绍自己的优势

2014-07-08    61'36''

主播: Leo雷欧

3581 111

职场口语 面试篇 明确自己的优势和劣势 Useful Sentences 1.As for my qualities, I believe I am a highly -motivated and reliable person. 说到品质我认为自己是一个上进心强且值得信赖的人 I am a person with strong determination.我是一个有坚定决心的人 词汇解析: Highly-motivated adj.上进心的 Reliable adj.可靠的 Determination adj.决心 2.My great strength is my confidence. 我最大的优势是我很有信心。 A positive attitude toward learning is acknowledged to be my greatest strength . 积极学习的态度是我最大的优势。 My main advantage is that I can thrive under pressure. 我的主要优势是能承受压力。 词汇解析: Strength n长处,力量 Confidence n.信心 Acknowledged adj.公认的,被普遍认可的 Thrive v.兴旺,繁荣 3.I am always ready to meet challenges. I never give up easily. 我时刻准备着迎接挑战,从不轻易放弃。 What your biggest challenge? 你最大的挑战是什么? 词汇解析:Meet v.迎接 Challenge n.挑战 Give up 放弃 4.I have a strong sense of responsibility and dedication. 我拥有了很强的责任心和事业心。 I have a strong sense of my direction towards the goals, and a clear vision of the short-term tasks that need to be achieved along the way. 我清楚的知道自己需要努力的方向,也对在实现目标的过程中需要完成的短期任务具有清晰的认识。 5、I have a strong ability to study things independently. 我的自学能力非常强。 I believe my great strength is my willingness to learn and progress. 我认为学习进取是我最大的优势。 6 I am good at English and I enjoy working with people. 我的英语很好,我还喜欢和人打交道。 I ‘d like to share with others as I respect communication. 我愿意同他人分享,因为我重视彼此间的交流。 词汇解析:Be good at sth.擅长做某事 Enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,乐意做某事 7.To be frank, I think I ‘m a very creative person. 坦白说,我认为我是一个十分具有创造力的人。 8. As a recent graduate, I lack work experience, but I will use my diligence to make up for it.作为应届生,我缺乏经验,但我会用自己的勤奋来弥补这点。 词汇解析: Diligence n.勤奋,勤勉 Make up for 弥补 9.I don’t have any real experience in marketing, but I willing and eager to learn. 我没有市场营销这方面的经验,但我愿意并渴望学习。 I’m not good at math, but I believe I can handle the problem after a period of study.我的数学不太好,但是我相信经过一段时间的学习,我可以解决这个问题。 10. I believe everyone has his strength and weakness. 我相信每个人都有自己的优势和劣势 词汇解析: Weakness n.劣势,缺点 想要听更多英语课程,欢迎添加:LEO老师微信号:1046088323, 加时备注:所在城市+姓名,谢谢。