[幸福终点站]. I've been waiting my whole life,Just don'tknow what the hell for

[幸福终点站]. I've been waiting my whole life,Just don'tknow what the hell for

2014-12-07    11'34''

主播: 对白人生

25431 394

I've been waiting for a phone call for seven years. I know it's coming, Victor. That's why I can'tbreak it off. That's why I live out of hotels and have my little suitcase packed, ready to go, justin case he wants to meet me for the weekend. Yeah, I've been waiting my whole life. Just don't know what the hell for. 我一直在等一通电话,等了七年……我知道快了,维克多,所以我才无法斩断情丝,所以我住在宾馆里,行李整理好,随时准备离开,以免他周末想要见我。没错,我一直等了一辈子,就是不明白究竟为什么。 Everybody is waiting. 每个人都在等待着什么。