2015大结局--Colors Of The Wind

2015大结局--Colors Of The Wind

2015-12-31    04'19''

主播: 对白人生

8396 130

虽然很久没有更新电台节目了,还是有很多朋友关注着,私信我,非常抱歉,让你们久等了,送上一首钢琴曲,愿你的2016更加精彩! 《Colors of the Wind》译为风之色彩,是由美国歌手Vanessa Williams(凡妮莎·威廉斯)在1995年为迪士尼动画片《风中奇缘》(Pocahontas)演唱的主题曲,这首歌的歌词虽简单易懂,其表达的含义也分外简单:人与自然和谐相处,但虽说是个简单的道理,但至今依旧尚未实现。 片中的人与自然之间的关系值得我们去深思,我们的家园现在面临的不也正是这样的情况吗?为了经济的发展,树林砍掉了;草原破坏了;河流不在清澈;安静的生活也一去不返。我们小的时候能去山上爬树、水里捞鱼,而如今的孩子只能住在钢筋水泥的“树林”里玩着电脑游戏。当你摒弃了以自我为中心的态度,当你放开心胸爱我们身边的自然,相信你能体会到风的色彩。将自己融合到大自然中,别样的精彩将伴随着你。自然与我们是分不开的整体。回归自然才是人类最后的归宿。 Think you own whatever land you land on 细想脚下的土地 Earth is just a dead thing you can claim 不过是死去的归宿 But I know every rock and tree and creature 但我深知 每一块石每一棵树每一处景色 Has a life ,has a spirit ,has a name 皆有它的生命 它的灵魂 它的名字 You think the only people who are people 你看到的只有常人 Are the people who look and think like you 常人看你如你看他 But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger 若你肯与陌生人同行 You'll learn things you never knew 你定能看见不曾见到过的 You never knew 那些你从未知晓的 Have you ever heard the wolf cry 你可曾听过野狼的哭泣 To the blue corn moon 在蓝色的圆月下响起 Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned 可曾问过露齿的山猫为何龇起獠牙 Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains 你能否随山的声音歌唱 Can you paint with all the colors of the wind 能否以风的色彩描绘 Can you paint with all the colors of the wind 以风的色彩描绘 Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest 来吧 到森林里的松柏小道上奔跑 Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth 品味阳光普照大地的感觉 Come roll in all the riches all around you 享受身边充实的一切 And for once never wonder what they're worth 就这一次不考虑为了什么 The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers 暴雨河流皆是我的兄弟 The heron and the otter are my friends 苍鹭水獭亦是我的朋友 And we are all connected to each other 我们彼此息息相关 In a circle in a hoop that never ends 存在于不息的希望当中 Have you ever heard the wolf cry 你可曾听过野狼的哭泣 To the blue corn moon 在蓝色的圆月下响起 Or let the eagle tell you where he's been 或者让苍鹰告诉你它去过何处 Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains 你能否随山的声音歌唱 Can you paint with all the colors of the wind 能否以风的色彩描绘 Can you paint with all the colors of the wind 能否以风的色彩描绘 How high does the sycamore grow 西克莫槭究竟能长多高 If you cut it down then you'll never know 若你将其砍倒你终将一无所知 And you'll never hear the wolf cry 你可曾听过野狼的哭泣 To the blue corn moon 在蓝色的圆月下响起 For whether we are white of copper-skinned 你我肤色或白皙或古铜 We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains 都应随山的声音歌唱 We need to paint with all the colors of the wind 都应以风的色彩描绘 You can own the earth and still 你可以拥有尘土上的一切 All you'll own is earth until 却也终会归于尘土 You can paint with all the colors of the wind 何不以风的色彩描绘呢。