Day6   blame the weather ❄

Day6 blame the weather ❄

2017-09-21    04'52''

主播: 安眠药🍒

116 1

分享歌词: I can't believe it's so hard to recall,何以相信我竟想不起 A time with no clouds in the sky,天空没有乌云的那段日子 And this year's so different, it just seems to be,今年如此艰难,它看起来, So cold here without you and I,那样寒冷只因没有了你和我 Angels, cry for the world with me,天使,陪我一起为这世界哭泣 They know, how this was meant to be,他们明白,这曾对我意味着什么, Somehow, it's not quite the same anymore,不知为何它不再沉寂 Let's blame the weather,都是天气惹的祸 Let's blame the rain,让我们将一切都怪罪给这像哭泣的雨 That something between us,我们之间的一些东西 Aint somehow the same,不知怎的已不似从前 Let's blame the weather,让我们怪罪给这天气吧 It's easy that way,这样一切就简单了 I'll meet you wherever,无论什么地方我们终会相遇 Some fine day,在某个晴朗的日子 Somehow I missed what you needed from me,不知为何我开始想念你需要我的那种感觉 We drifted apart on the breeze,我们飘散于风中 What will it take to forget and forgive,到底要付出什么才能忘记并原谅呢 And save us an ocean of tears,才能不让我们沉浸于泪水之中 Angels, cry for the world with me,天使,陪我一起为这世界哭泣 They know, it's not how it's meant to be,他们明白,这曾对我意味着什么 Somehow it's not quite the same anymore,不知为何它开始喧嚣起来 Let's blame the weather,都是天气惹的祸 Lets blame the rain,让我们将一切都怪罪给这像哭泣的雨 That something between us,我们之间的一些东西 Just isn't the same,只是已不似从前 Let's blame the weather,将一切怪罪给这天气吧 It's better that way,这样才能更好些, I'll meet you wherever,无论什么地方我们终会相遇 Some fine day,在某个晴朗的日子, Let's blame the weather,都是天气惹的祸 Let's blame the weather,都是天气惹的祸 Let's blame the weather,让我们将一切都怪罪给这天气吧。
上一期: Day5 boy can dream
下一期: 🌹Day7 carolin 💛