

2017-05-09    16'26''

主播: 禾小九日

249 5

My soul is not contained within the limits of my body 我的灵魂,并不存在于我有限的身体里 My body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul 我的身体,存在于我无限的灵魂之中 I've often said that 我经常说 I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame and 我希望大家都能够实现自己的梦想,获得到财富与名声 So that they could see that it's not where you're going to find your sense of completion 这样你们就会明白,它们并不会带给你们人生的真正圆满 I can tell you from experience 根据我个人经验,我可以告诉你 the effect you have on others 你给他人带来的影响 Is the most valuable currency there is 是这世界上最有价值的财富 Because everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart 因为,你此生所获得的一切都将灰飞烟灭 And all that will be left of you is what was in your heart 唯一能留下来的,是你内心里的东西 We're not be avatars we create 我们并不是那些创造出来的“英雄” We're not the pictures on the film stock 也不是电影胶卷上面的画面 We are the light that shines through. 真正的我们,是透射过来的光 All else is just smoke and mirrors 剩下的一切,都是镜花水月 Distracting but not truly compelling 迷惑我们,却并非真的不可或缺 Our eyes are not viewers 我们的眼睛不仅可以观看 They're also projectors 还可以用来投影 That are running a second story over the picture 用来播放我们“人生胶卷”上面的故事 That we see in front of us all the time 也就是我们的日常所见 Fear is writing that script 恐惧,同样也在编写这个剧本 Now fear is going to be a player in your life 恐惧,也会是你人生中的角色之一 You get to decide how much you could spend your whole life imagining ghosts 所以,你要决定要花多少时间“想象未知的恐惧” Worrying about the pathway to the future “担忧未来路上的绊脚石” But all there will ever be is what's happening here 但真正重要的,取决于当下这一刻 In the decisions we make in this moment which are based in either love or fear 也就是你的决定,是出发于爱,还是出发于恐惧? So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality 太多人选择了恐惧的道路,认为这样才是“现实的” What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect 认为我们真正想要的是“遥不可及”、“想都别想” So we never dared to ask the universe for it 所以我们从不敢向宇宙祈求赐予 I'm saying 我要说的是 That you can ask the universe for it 你可以求宇宙帮忙,将你所需要的赐给你 Life doesn't happen to you 生活,并不是发生在你身上 It happens for you 而是为你而发生! As far as I can tell 据我所知 It's just about letting the universe know what you want 你只需要让宇宙知道你想要的是什么 And working toward it 然后朝这个方向付诸行动 While letting go of how it comes to pass 并且放下它应该怎么到来的预期 Why not take a chance on faith 为何不试着“相信”呢? Not religion 并非宗教信仰 But faith 而是“相信” Not hope 不是“希望” But faith 而是“相信” I don't believe in hope 我不相信“希望” Hope is the beggar. 希望是个“乞丐” Hope walks through the fire 希望可以带你走过“熊熊烈火” And faith leaps over it 但相信可以让你“一跃而过” You are ready, 你们已经准备好了 And able to do beautiful things in this world 有能力在这个世界上,做些美好的事情 And after you walk through those doors today 今天,在你们走出校门之后 You'll only ever have two choices 你将只有两个选择 Love or fear 爱 或者 恐惧 Choose love 选择爱吧 And don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart 不要让恐惧压抑你朝气蓬勃的心 By:笑笑^_^学进