

2017-07-19    00'48''

主播: 开口英语

900 4

58. Like Father, Like Son 第58课 有其父必有其子 Tom, whose parents are conservative, is talking to Karen, whose parents are open-minded. 汤姆的父母想法很保守,他正在跟凯伦说话,她的父母思想很开明。 Boy, I'm really fed up with my dad. 唉,我真的受够我老爸了。 Why? What's the problem? 为什么?出了什么问题? My dad, whose upbringing was very strict, expects me to live by his old rules. 我那在严格管教之下长大的老爸指望我也按照他的老规矩生活。 K;That's too bad. He must be crazy. 那太惨了。他一定是疯了。 You know what? He even buys clothes for me, the styles of which belong to the fifties. 你知道吗?他甚至还买五十年代样式的衣服给我。 What a nut! 好个疯子! Hey, stop calling my dad names. 嘿,别辱骂我爹了。 But I thought… 可是我以为…… No matter what, he's still my dad. 不管怎么样,他还是我的老爸。 Like father, like son! 真是有其父必有其子!