

2018-10-21    22'07''

主播: 开口英语

6802 62

-Teddy. -Great! 泰迪 我要和你说... Teddy, I&`&ve got to talk... 噢 别开玩笑了 到底怎么了 Oh... you&`&re kidding. Then what happened? 哇 Wow. 稍等 又有别的电话打进来了 Hold on. I&`&m getting another call. 玩真的 Really? 是的 Really. 再等下 一会我再给你回电话 Hold on. I&`&ve got to call you back. -干吗 -你说干什么 -What? -What? 我刚接到话费账单 I just opened up the phone bill. 你的话费透支了九十美元 You are $90 over your texting limit. 看你怎么解释这件事 What have you got to say about that? “我爱你 老爹” "I love you, daddy"? 别这样 泰迪 你也太没有责任心了 Come on, Teddy, this is so irresponsible. 我对你抱有很大期望的 I expect more from you. 等下 我先发条短信 Hold on. I&`&m getting a text. 算了 你发不了了 No, you&`&re not, 因为我要把你的手机没收 &`&cause I&`&m taking your phone away. 什么 你不能这样对我 What? No, you can&`&t do that. 没收我的手机犹如没收你的披萨 Taking away my phone would be like taking away your pizza. 你居然为了你的破手机 You&`&re fighting for your phone. 而暗指我很胖 By calling me fat? 那个 我只是很生气 Well, I&`&m just really mad. 我爱你 老爹 I love you, daddy. 和你说下 如果想拿回你的手机 I&`&ll tell you what... You&`&ll get your phone back. -就先凑齐九十块大洋 -这太不公平了 -When you come up with 90 bucks. -That&`&s so unfair. 嘿 老爸 Hey dad. 我和你说点儿事 Uh, I gotta tell you something. 又咋了 What? 那个 在我把车开进车库时 Well, I was pulling into the garage. 好像蹭到了您的战车 And I kind of scraped the bug truck. 上面的字从“鲍勃到 臭虫害虫灭光光” Instead of "Bob&`&s bugs be gone" 变成了“罗伯来 地毯毛毯跑光光” it now says "Rob&`&s rugs be gone." PJ P.J.! 什么事 老爸 Yeah, dad? 尽量小心点可以吗 Try and be more careful. 就完了 他得到了一句勉励的话 That&`&s it? He gets "try and be more careful" 而我得到的却是手机没收 太没天理了 and I get my phone taken away? Unbelievable! 哇 她还真是棘手 是吧罗伯 Whoa. She&`&s a handful, eh, Rob? 生活搞得一团糟 Today&`&s all burnt toast 就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late, and dad jokes 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe 我闭上眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud 哎呀 老爸 鞋子就在房顶上 There it is up on the roof 我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I&`&ve been there, I&`&ve survived 所以听取我的建议 So just take my advice 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby 世界有很多疯狂无奈 Things are crazy 可是我知道你会有美好将来 But I know your future&`&s bright 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby 不要怀疑 There&`&s no maybe 一切终会如你所愿 Everything turns out all right 生活有悲有喜 Your life is up and down 但是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me it comes back around 你会喜欢将来的你 You&`&re gonna love who you turn out to be 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, baby. 查莉成长日记 第二季第二集 Good Luck Charlie S02E02 Something&`&s Fishy 嘿 同志们 一会见 Hey, guys, see you later. 你要带查莉出去吗 Are you taking Charlie somewhere? 是的 去商场 我们要购物去 Yes, to the mall. We&`&re going to go shopping. 为什么去购物 Shopping for what? 泡妞 Girls. 她们就是无法抗拒我们的可爱小妹妹 They just can&`&t resist our adorable little sister. 你居然用我们的小妹来做诱饵 I can&`&t believe you&`&d use Charlie as girl bait. 哦算了 任他去吧 Oh, let him do it. 对于一个没有魅力与气质的人来说 Without charm or personality, 也就只能玩这小把戏 it&`&s his only play. 我谢你 Thank you. 好吧 但是记住在三点之前把查莉送回来 All right, just have Charlie back by 3:00. 我要带她去一个生日聚会 在奥托游乐场 I&`&m taking her to a birthday party at Otto&`&s grotto. 没问题 我们一会儿就回来 Oh, no problem. Shouldn&`&t take long. 嘿 查莉 说我刚教给你的那句 Hey, Charlie, say that thing I taught you. 我耐PJ I wuv P.J. “耐” 她能说“爱”了 "Wuv"? She can say "love." 是啊 但是“耐”可以帮我钓到更多的女生 I know, but "wuv" gets me way more girls. 嘿宝贝 Hey honey. -嘿 -怎么了 -Hey. -What&`&s wrong? 没人和我玩网球电子游戏 Nobody to play video tennis with. 我的朋友们不是在做作业 All my friends are doing homework. 就是在和家人共度美好时光 Or spending time with their families... 你们这帮衰人 Losers. 我来和你玩 I&`&ll play with you. 我还是去看书吧 I think I&`&ll go read a book. 你宁愿去看书 You&`&d rather read a book. 也不愿意和你老妈我玩电子游戏 Than play video games with your mom? 是啊 说的没错 Yeah, you&`&re right. 我还是去小睡一觉吧 I&`&m gonna go take a nap. 盖比 我以前玩过这东西 Gabe, I&`&ve played video games before. 我知道我在干嘛 I know what I&`&m doing. 那是电视遥控器 老妈 Mom, that&`&s the tv remote. 我正想把它拿开 Which I&`&m moving out of the way. 便于我拿起游戏控制器 So that I can pick up a controller. 好了 快给老娘我整好 电玩小子 All right, serve it up, Sonny boy. 好吧 Fine. 这并不是那么的有趣 This won&`&t be any fun. 好了 准备好了吗 Okay, are you ready? 放马过来吧 Go for it. 哇 这确实比我想的要有趣多了 Wow, this might be more fun than I thought. 查莉呢 查莉去哪了 Where&`&s Charlie? Where&`&d Charlie go? 噢 她在这里呢 在这呢 Oh, there she is. There she is. 好啊 好啊 好啊 Yeah yeah yeah. 噢 我们也许应该把这放回去 Oh, wow. Maybe we should put that back. 我的 Mine. 好了 少一个两个 他们应该不会知道的 Well, they probably won&`&t miss one ball. 我每天晚上都会清点个数 I count every ball every night! 你能帮我拉上吗 Can you zip me up? 这个还是算了 No. No, thank you. 以前经常有个女孩来扮演美人鱼的 The girl that usually plays the mermaid... 现在她走了 she quit on me. 她现在在汉克的汉堡包店装扮成泡菜 She&`&s now the Pickle at hamburger Hank&`&s. 还是你了解她 Well, you knew her when. 那个汉克快把我逼疯了 That Hank is killing me. 他是个守财奴 吝啬鬼 With his fancy minimum wage. 真不敢相信我要这么说 I can&`&t believe I&`&m about to say this, 我来做这份工作怎么样 but I could use a job. 好吧 先别急 Okay, slow it down. 要想在奥托游乐场工作需要满足三条要求 It takes three things to work at Otto&`&s grotto. -第一 必须年满十六岁 -满足 -One... you gotta be 16. -I am. 第二 很擅长和孩子打交道 Two... you gotta be good with kids, 基本上就是善于和他们的呕吐物打交道 which basically means willing to clean up their puke. 我有气无力的回答 “满足” "I am," she said less excitedly. 最后 最重要的一点 And most important, 你要会说海之语 you gotta speak the language of the sea. 海什么 The what? 比如“不要那么易怒 孩子们 Like "don&`&t be crabby, kids. 注:crabby:易怒 crab:螃蟹 我们会很快乐的”什么的 We&`&re gonna have a whale of a time. " Stuff like that. 注:whale of time 玩的很开心 whale:鲸鱼 那是我们吸引孩子的手段 It&`&s our hook. 哇 我又说了一遍 Whoa, I just did it again! 注:clam up:闭口不谈 clam:蛤蜊 好了 别担心 我不会对你这么说的 Yeah, well, don&`&t worry. I won&`&t clam up on you. 不急 你早晚会说的 Well, you&`&ll work on it. -你什么时候可以来上班 -越快越好 -When can you start? -The sooner the baiter. 你首次清理的呕吐物 很可能是我的 The first puke you clean up may be mine. 好了 盖比 你觉着如何 Okay, Gabe, what do you think? 扣上 还是敞开 Buttoned? Unbuttoned? 敞开 让那四根胸毛来透透气 Unbuttoned... give those four chest hairs a chance to breathe. 这么说来 你邀请了个女孩来咱家 So you got a girl coming over? 是的 她叫凯拉 商场遇见的 Yep, her name is Kayla. I met her at the mall. 是查莉帮你钓到的女生 Charlie got you a girl? 是啊 效果奇佳啊 Yeah, worked like a charm... 除了查莉自己有点困惑 Well, except Charlie got a little confused. 她把“我耐PJ” Instead of saying "I wuv P.J." 说成了“我耐便便” She said, "I wuv poopy." 我觉着查莉知道自己在说什么 I think Charlie knew what she was saying. 但是我马上扭转了颓势 Yeah, but I totally saved it. 我告诉凯拉我的昵称叫便便 I told Kayla my nickname was poopy.
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