

2017-05-20    04'40''

主播: 当下,最美的刹那

2588 72

歌词: I don't want nobody to get killed 我并不想再有人死去 I'll come and get you,I am always ready to fight 我会來救你,我时刻准备着战斗 So don't take all of the blame 所以不要把一切过失归咎于自己 we were all swept away 让我们一泯恩仇 Don't take all of weight 不要独自承担重任 You always do 尽管你一直如此 There will always be something you cannot control 世事总是变化无常 你无法控制 We will overcome. Your Salvation has begun 我们将战胜一切 你的救赎已经开始 No signs, No lights 天地一片昏暗 such a mess all over 一切早已面目全非 Don't kill your hopes 別扼杀你的希望 You make me realize who I need 是你让我意识到谁才是我需要的 I'll be there hold on 请坚持到底,我将会前往你在的方向 They'll change you somehow 他們将会改变你 So where are you now? 所以你现在身在何处? I'll reach you by dawn 我将在拂晓時抵达你身旁 Before you can be turned 赶在你被转化之前 Illusions are torn 当虚伪的假象被揭开 The fallen angels you run with don't know – It is our pain that makes us all human after all 炽天使的计划已在你未知的情況下稍然启动 – 过去的伤痛让我們意识到自己终究是人類 Warm old sepia photographs show 仍然令人感到溫暖的旧照片上映射的 Our fragile precious world,Must protect it 是我们曾经脆弱而珍貴世界,我必須將其守护 respond to the call 回应那命运的召唤 If you wanna fight with me 你若想与我刀剑相向 Then go ahead fight with me 尽管使出全力与我战斗吧 Cos all i wanna do is help you man 因為我唯一的心愿就是拯救你 You will be the death of me 即使你將成為我生命的終結 The power of our army has been cut with a scythe 我们军队的力量终会被利刃阻断 And if we lose you to them we may never survive 若你向他们屈服,我们將无人生还 You can leave but you nust first believe 你随时可以离开,但你首先要相信答案 Just one step at a time and keep your head up boy and 让一切順其自然,永不向命运低头 You'll be free 你终将获得自由