I do cherish you听歌学英语

I do cherish you听歌学英语

2017-05-01    03'02''

主播: 齐齐说英语讲故事

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All I am all I'll be Everything in this world all that I'll ever need 在这个世界上 Is in your eyes shining at me 我最想要的 就是你闪亮的眼神 When you smile I can feel all my passion unfolding 你的微笑 能让我热情四射 Your hand brushes mine 你轻轻的触摸着我 And a thousand sensations seduce me cause I 让我百感交集 I do cherish you 因为我 我愿意珍爱你 For the rest of my life 在我余下的生命中 You don't have to think twice 你不必有所忧虑 I will love you still from the depths of my soul 我将永远深爱着你 那来自我灵魂的最深处 It's beyond my control 那深邃无法触及的地方 I've waited so long to say this to you 我已守候了太久只想把这对你倾诉 If you're asking do I love you this much I do 假使你问我是否会爱你那么深 是的 我是 In my world before you 在这世间未曾遇到你之 I lived outside my emotions 我生活在我的情感之外 Didn't know where I was going 不曾明白自己何去何从 Until that day I found you 直到那天我找发现了你 How you opened my life to a new paradise 正是你 打开了我的人生 给予了我一个新的天堂 In a world torn by change 在这个纷繁变化的世界上 Still with all of my heart until my dying day 唯一不变的将会是我深爱你的心 至死不渝 I do cherish you 我真的很珍惜你 For the rest of my life 用我的余生 You don't have to think twice 你不必有所忧虑 I will love you still from the depths of my soul 我将永远深爱着你 那来自我灵魂的最深处 It's beyond my control 那深邃无法触及的地方 I've waited so long to say this to you 我已守候了太久只想把这对你倾诉 If you're asking do I love you this much yes I do 如果你问我真的这么爱你吗! 是的 我爱你 I've waited so long to say this to you 我已守候了太久只想把这对你倾诉 So if you re asking if I love you this much I do 如果你问我真的这么爱你吗! 是的 我爱你 Oh I do 是的 我爱你