How do you like your tea

How do you like your tea

2018-03-20    06'18''

主播: 蚂蚁不小

6 0

Alice Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Alice… Neil And I'm Neil… Um… Alice. What's this? Alice It's a cup of tea, Neil. Would you like some? Neil Oh, I can't drink that! You didn't let the tea brew for long enough. And you forgot to add sugar. Alice Well, make it yourself next time! And when you brew a cup of tea, by the way, you add boiling water to tea leaves or a teabag and allow the flavour to develop. Neil I'm sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to be rude about your tea. But I do like it very strong and sweet. Alice Tea is the subject of today's show. And Neil, I think you'd like the way they serve tea in India. They drink chai – a strong black tea served with lots of milk, sugar and spices. Neil Mmm… that does sound good. I quite fancy a cup of chai now. Alice Did you know that it was the British who introduced tea to India? Neil No, I didn't, Alice. This is very interesting… I'm proud of our habit of having tea all the time and teabags are great! A marvellous little invention! 6 Minute English © British Broadcasting Corporation 2016 Page 2 of 5
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