我若为王 If I Were King

我若为王 If I Were King

2017-07-24    10'57''

主播: 君生纵横

101 9

《我若为王》是中国杰出杂文家聂绀弩写于1941年的一篇杂文,内容辛辣讽刺,流露了对专制统治者和奴才的蔑视 我若为王If i were king 其实在king少^_^前面省略了a .在指职位,头衔,等级等名词前面,一般不用冠词a,an 和影片毫无关系的另外的事,something entirely foreign to the film in question 其中,foreign to 为成语,做having no relation to 或unconnected with 解。in question 为添加成分,作being talked about ,正在被讨论解 我根本不想为王 being a king is the last thing I aspire to ,其中last 可做least likely 或most unlikely 最不可能解 一无所知,一无所能的白痴ignorant or worthless in every way like an idiot 其中in every way 作,完全的,彻头彻尾的解 无论他们怎样丑陋,怎样顽劣,怎样……,最后一个怎样表示诸如此类的事,等等,所以译为or whatnot 。等于other such things 解,为what may I not say 的省略 匍匐prostrate 此为表示顺从 奴才相servility 即slavishness 或slave like deference 我认为世界之所以还有待于改进者methinks the world is very much in need of reform 其中methinks 等于I think 或it seems to me 为无人称动词,本为古体词,常做诙谐打趣用语 我若为王,将终于不能为王if I were King and ultimately ended up becoming no king at all 其中end up 作,告终 解