在德国-自己的花是让别人看的 Growing Flowers for the Benefits of All

在德国-自己的花是让别人看的 Growing Flowers for the Benefits of All

2018-07-01    04'24''

主播: 君生纵横

126 1

多次对…………感到吃惊,译为,I was often deeply impressed by 正是这样,译为,exactly 意同completely correct 家家户户的窗子前都是花团锦簇,姹紫嫣红,all dwellers' Windows ablaze with flowers 我觉得这一种境界是颇耐人寻味的,译为,Their noble qualities ,I think,provide much food for thought
上一期: 一座长桥 A Long Bridge
下一期: Barren Spring