1210The America spirit

1210The America spirit

2017-12-11    00'55''

主播: 流年の

24 0

In America,people care very much who you are.They care little about your background.In America,you can start from anywhere,with or without benefits and advantages from your family,and make your own way and your own life. At any time,you can decide to change and do something completely different. Your life is yours to chart. This freedom to define your own destiny ultimately derives from the Judeo-Christian tradition.God created us in his own image,and just as God is free,so we are meant for freedom. Government's purpose is not to impose some top-down vision of the good society on the rest of us,but to empower men and women to use their God-given freedom as they choose. 在美国,人们很在乎你是谁,而很少关注你的背景。在美国,你可以随时开启自己的人 生,不管有没有家庭的影响和优势,都可以 走自己的路、过自己的生活。任何时候,你 都可以决定改变,或者做一些和过去完全不 一样的事情。你的人生,你自己规划。 这种决定自己命运的自由,归根到底是来自 犹太教和基督教的传统。上帝依照自己的样 子创造了人类,正如上帝是自由的,所以我 们也生来自由。 政府的作用不是自上而下地将一个所谓美好 社会的意识形态强加给人民,而是强化我们 的权利,让我们用上帝赋予的自由,去做出 选择。