

2018-03-14    00'50''

主播: 流年の

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One hot summer's day a fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch."Just thething to quench my thirst,"quoth he.Drawing back a few paces,he took a run and a jump,and just missed the bunch.Turing around again with a one,two,three,he jumped up,but with no greater success.Again and again, he tried after the tempting morsel,but at last had to give it up,and walked away with his nose in the air,saying:"I'm sure they are sour." -It is easy to despise what you cannot get. 一个炎热的夏天,一只狐狸散步穿过果园,它走到了一大串成熟的葡萄下面。葡萄已经熟了,葡萄藤经过修剪蔓延在高高的树枝上。“正是可以解渴的好东西啊,”狐狸自言自语到。退后了几步,狐狸助跑起跳,就差一点点了。转过身去,1,2,3,狐狸又使劲跳起来,但是并没有比上次更近。一次又一次,狐狸努力着,为了那一口诱人的葡萄,但最后不得不放弃。狐狸昂首挺胸的离开了,边走边说,这些葡萄肯定是酸的。” 一有时候,很容易鄙视那些我们得不到的东西。