

2018-03-16    01'04''

主播: 流年の

25 0

Charlie Rose:What is Amazon today? Jeff Bezos:I would define Amazon byour big ideas,which are customer centricity,putting the customer at the center of everything we do.Invention. We like to pioneer.We like to explore. We like to go down dark alleys and see what's on the other side. Amazon is raising the stakes in the race for fast delivery.Jeff Bezos be- lieves the company has no choice. Jeff Bezos:Companies have short lifespans,and Amazon will be dis- rupted one day. (Charlie Rose:And you wory about that?) Jeff Bezos:I don't worry about it ‘cause I know it's inevitable.Compa- nies come and go.And the companies that are the shiniest and most im- portant of any era.You wait a few decades and they're gone. Charlie Rose:And your job is to make sure that you delay that date. Jeff Bezos:Sure,I would love for it to be after I'm dead. Charlie Rose:如今的亚马逊是家什么样的 公司? Jeff Bezos:我会用我们最大的理念去定义亚 马逊,也就是“以客户为中心”,把客户放在我 们所做任何事情的中心。还有变革和创新,我 们喜欢开拓,我们热衷探索,我们敢于沿着小 黑巷走下去,看看巷子的那头有什么。 在快速投递的竞争中,亚马逊正在提高赌 注。Jeff Bezos相信,公司别无选择。 Jeff Bezos:公司的生命很短,亚马逊有朝 一日也会被侵袭干扰。 (Charlie Rose:然后你为此而担心?) Jeff Bezos:我不担心,因为我知道这是必 然的,公司来的来去的去。任何时期那些最 闪亮最举足轻重的公司,你等上几十年,他 们都没了。 Charlie Rose:你的工作就是确保能够延缓 这个期限。 Jeff Bezos:当然了,我非常希望这一天发 生在我死之后。
上一期: 第一集Muddy Puddles
下一期: Ideas