

2018-03-29    01'05''

主播: 流年の

7 0

So this was a major breach of trust and I'm really sorry that this happened.We have a basic responsi- bility to protect people's data and if we can't do that then we don't deserve to have the opportunity to serve people.So our responsibility now is to make sure this doesn't happen again.And there are a few basic things that I think we need to do to ensure that. One is making sure that developers like Aleksandr Kogan,who got access to a lot of information and then improperly used it,just don't get access to as much information going forward.So we are doing a set of things to restrict the amount of access that developers can get going forward.But the other is,we need to make sure there aren't any other Cambridge Analyticas out there. 这是一次对信任的重大破坏,我非常抱歉,发生了这样的事情。保护用户的数据是我们的一项基本责任,如果这都做不到,我们也就没有资格去服务用户。所以当务之急是确保这样的事情不再发生,我们需要采取一些最基本的措施来确保这一目标的实现。 首先就是像亚历山大·科根这样的开发者,他们获得了大量的数据并且违法使用,以后要确保不让他们能够再获得这么多的信息了。我们正在采取一系列的方式来限制开发者的权限。另一个就是,我们需要确保不会再有像“剑桥分析”这样的公司的存在。