

2018-04-20    01'07''

主播: 流年の

16 0

If you practice what you preach,you can't go wrong and that's what I do every day of my life.When I first started exercising,and I wanted to wear the little shorts,skimpy shorts.And I looked in the mirror,all these dimples in my legs,so l knew that I was going to work very very hard to tighten up my thighs. Sometimes I would say,“Oh,I am too old to do this,I am too old to do that."And he would say,"You know what you say,age is nothing but a number,get busy and let's get this job done."When I found out that I made Guinness Book of World Records,I was so very excited,because I had fulfilled my sister's dream.My message to people worldwide-you have to exercise,eat correctly,and also get some cardio in every day. 如果你躬行己说,那你做事情就不会出错,这就是我一生中每天都在做的事。我刚开始健身的时候,我想穿上短小暴露的短裤,我看着镜子里,自己腿上有很多(由于脂肪多而产生的)小浅坑,所以我意识到我要每天努力地健身让我的大腿变得紧致。 有时候,我会抱怨“我年纪大了,做不了这个,干不了那个”,然后他就会说:“瞧你说的,年龄只不过是个数字,运动起来,完成任务!”当我知道自己创造了吉尼斯世界纪录的时候,我真的超级兴奋,因为我实现了姐姐的梦想。我想告诉全世界人们一—你们必须每天锻炼,合理饮食,并且每天都要做些有氧运动。