

2018-05-21    00'53''

主播: 流年の

62 1

I just felt like I was not getting enough publicity.You know,I think,there's...probably so many reasons but...You know,the other day I was doing yoga with my girlfriend and we finished and we were sort of sitting there,just sort of stretching.And I looked over at her and I said,“You know what?I have to say I'm feeling a feeling I don't know if I've ever actually felt before,and that is that I don't want to be anywhere other than where I am right now,sitting across the room from you.”And that means,you know,I'm not sitting somewhere dwelling on the past or I'm not fretting or obsessing about something in the future or something that was...You know it's just,it was a feeling of total peace.And,I love that. 我觉得我受到的关注度还不够。你知道的,我认为可能有很多原因...前几天我和一个女性朋友一起做瑜伽,结束之后我们坐在那进行拉伸。我朝她看过去然后说:“你知道吗?不得不说,我现在有一种感觉,一种我不确定从前有没有过的感觉,就是除了我现在所在的地方,我哪也不想去,只想现在这样和你对坐在房间里。”就是说,我没有沉溺在过去,也没有对未来发愁纠结,或者其他状态..你知道的,就是一种完全平静的感觉,而我爱这种感觉。
上一期: The best love
下一期: 川航生死备降