It took me 2 whole years to decide to come out as Siri,because I was in a terrible quandary.And do you know what fueled that quandary? Can you guess? The F-Word.Fear. All I could think of was,how can I possibly live up to the expectations of what Siri would look like and act like? It seemed impossible. And then a phrase came to mind-do what you fear most.And I've come to the conclusion that there is a way to mitigate some of this fear,and that is to have faith,faith that what- ever decision we make,it's just an- other step on our individual life's path. 我花了整整两年时间才决定以Siri的形象 出现,因为我一直陷在一个可怕的窘境当 中。你知道是什么引起的这一窘境吗?能 猜出来吗?F开头的字母Fear(害怕、 担忧)。我当时想的全是:我怎么可能做到 Siri被预期的模样?这简直就是不可能啊。 然而,后来一个短语出现我的脑海中 越害怕什么,就越要去做什么。并且我还 得出了一个结论:有一种方法可以减轻这 一担忧,那就是坚定信念,要相信不论我 们做什么决定,都只不过是我们人生路上 的又一步而已。