

2018-07-11    00'50''

主播: 流年の

133 0

核心报导 People think that having a disability is a barrier,but that's not the way l see it.You can catch up with friends.You can capture a moment with your family.[Siri:One face.Small face.Focus locked.]And you can start the day bright and early.You can take a trip to somewhere new.[Three miles to the summit.] You can concentrate on every word of a story.[A bird began to sing.Jack opened his eyes.]You can take the long way home.Or,edit a fhlm like this one.When technology is designed for everyone,it lets anyone do what they love.Including me. 有人觉得身有残疾是一种障碍,但我却不这么认为。你能和朋友们叙旧聊天。也能拍摄全家欢聚的美好时刻。[Siri:一张面面L。小脸孔。已锁定聚焦。]你能在晨光中早早迎来新的一天。也能走出去探索新的地方。[还有三英里就到山顶了。]你能聚精会神地阅读故事里的一字一句。[一只小鸟 唱起歌来。杰克睁开了双眼。]你能奋力向前,得意而归。当然也能剪条片子,比如这一部。当科技真正为每一个人而设计时,就能让他们拥抱自己所爱的一切。包括我。
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