

2018-08-30    01'12''

主播: 流年の

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8-30 I’ve been cataloguing my journey in this lifetime by wearing one color. I was studying art history and I thought that blue was by far the most ethereal of colors. Indigo is sort of somber and darker and the most color that can provide depth into my paintings. And I’m a lot into astrology, very curious about other planets and outer space. And so it is that sensation or that connotation that gives me ethereal peace. Blue makes me feel strong. It makes me feel really good. It’s better than any high. It’s a pacifying feeling. It makes me think of air and water and those two elements where humans float in. I think it’s something that I carry with me. It’s just being. At the end of the day, you only have one journey in this one, and I think it’s important to be able to show all of your colors, even if you decide to just do one color. 这辈子,我会一直穿一种颜色来记录我的旅程。我当时正在研究艺术史,我认为蓝色是至今为止最空灵的颜色。靛蓝色是一种忧郁的、深沉的颜色,能让我的画作显得有深度。我对占星术很感兴趣,对其他行星和外太空也很好奇。所以正是这种感觉或者遐想,给我一种超凡的宁静。 蓝色让我感到强壮,让我感觉很棒。它比任何让我兴奋的东西都好,蓝色给你一种平静的感觉。这让我想到了空气和水,这两种元素都能让人类漂浮在其中。我觉得这是我密不可分的东西,这就是一种生活方式。归根结底,我们都只有一次机会踏上人生的旅程。所以能够展示你喜欢的所有颜色很重要,即使你只爱一种颜色。