David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.5.19 冠鼎学堂——识别·培养·考验未来领导者 2.The second trap is to confuse "novelty" with "innovation." The test of an innovation is that it creates value. A novelty only creates amusement. Yet, again and again, managements decide to innovate for no other reason than that they are bored doing the same thing or making the same product day in and day out. The test of an innovation——as is also the test of "quality"——is not :"Do we like it"? It is :"Do customers want it and will they pay for it?" 3.And the third trap: confusing motion with action. Typically when a product, service or processno longer produces results and should be abandoned or changed radically, management "reorganizes." To be sure, reorganization is often needed. But it comes after the action, that is, after the "what" and the "how" have been faced up to. By itself reorganization is just "motion" and no substitute for action. These three traps are so attractive that every change leader can expect to fall into one of them——or into all three——again and again. There is only one way to avoid them, or to extricate oneself if one has stumbled into them: to organize the Introduction of change that is, to PILOT. ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter3》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)
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