

2020-07-18    01'39''

主播: 王德重David

105 0

David's Time With Peter F. Drucker 2020.7.18 冠鼎学院(GA)——识别·培养·考验未来的领导者 And what explains the success of the PRINT media? College students probably account for the largest single share of the growth of printed books in the United States. It is growth in college texts and in books assigned by college teachers. But the second largest group are books that did not exist before the 1950s, at least not in any quantity. There is no English word for them. But the German publisher who first saw their potential and first founded a publishing house expressly to publish such books, the late E.B. von Wehrenalp, called it the Sachbuch——a book written by an expert for nonexperts. And when asked to explain the Sachbuch Wehrenalp said: “It has to be enjoyable reading. It has to be educational. But its purpose is neither entertainment nor education. Its purpose is INFORMATION.” ——《Management Challenges for the 21st Century · Chapter4 Information Challenges》(Peter F.Drucker,1999)
上一期: GA2020.7.17
下一期: GA2020.7.19