19.女儿客串主播 Go away,Big green Monster!

19.女儿客串主播 Go away,Big green Monster!

2014-06-29    03'39''

主播: Ms.Latasha

3821 57

Big green monster has two big yellow eyes, a long bluish-greenish nose, a big red mouth with sharp white teeth, two little squiggly ears, scraggly purple hair, and a big scary green face! But... You don't scare me! So Go Away, scraggly purple hair! Go away, two little squiggly ears! Go away,long bluish-greenish nose! Go away, big green face! Go away, big red mouth~! Go away, sharp white teeth! Go away, two big yellow eyes! Go away, Big Green Monster! and Don't Come Back! Until I say so. ---the end