

2015-10-11    04'45''

主播: 冲浪的少年

19868 946

Writing the Rules for a Global Economy (October 10, 2015) 书写全球经济的贸易规则(2015年10月10日) Hi, everybody. This week, after five years of effort with eleven other nations, we reached agreement on a new trade deal that promotes American values and protects American workers. 大家好.本周,在和11个其他国家一起努力五年之后,我们最终达成了新的贸易协议,这将发扬美国的价值观,并保护美国的员工. There's a reason this Trans-Pacific Partnership took five years to negotiate. I wanted to get the best possible deal for American workers. And that is what we've done. Here's why it matters. 这一跨太平洋伙伴关系协议需要谈判五年时间,是有原因的.我要为美国的员工争取最好利益最大化的协议.这也是我们已经做到的.为什么这至关重要呢. Ninety-five percent of the world's consumers live outside our borders -- 95 percent. They want to buy American products. They want our cars; our music; our food. And if American businesses can sell more of their products in those markets, they can expand and support good jobs here at home. 世界上95%的消费者不在我们的国境线内--95%.他们想买美国的产品.他们需要我们的汽车,我们的音乐,我们的食品.如果美国的商家能够在这些市场销售更多他们的产品,他们就可以在国内扩大经营,并支撑起在国内更多的好工作. So it's no wonder that exports played a huge role in helping America recover from the Great Recession. In fact, last year, we set a new record for American exports for the fifth year in a row, selling more than $2 trillion in goods and services. Our exports support roughly 12 million American jobs -- and they're jobs that typically pay better than other jobs. 因此,毫无疑问,出口在助力美国从大萧条中复苏发挥着巨大的重要作用.事实上,去年,我们创造了连续五年美国出口的新记录,创造了2万多亿的产品和服务的销售额.我们的出口支撑着大约1200万个美国的就业岗位--这些岗位很明显得比其他工作岗位支付着更多的薪水. But here's the thing: Outdated trade rules put our workers at a disadvantage. And TPP will change that. 但事情是这样的:过时的贸易规则让我们的员工处于劣势.TPP协议将改变这些. Right now, other countries can cut their costs by setting lower standards to pay lower wages. This trade agreement, TPP, will change that, holding partner countries to higher standards and raising wages across a region that makes up nearly 40 percent of the global economy. 当下,其他国家可以通过设定更低的标准支付更低的工资来降低他们的成本.这一贸易协议,TPP,将改变它,让伙伴国家保证高标准,在这一占全球经济将近40%的区域提高工资水平. Right now, other countries charge foreign taxes on goods that are made in America. Japan, for example, puts a 38 percent tax on American beef before it even reaches the market. Malaysia puts a 30 percent tax on American auto parts. Vietnam puts taxes as high as 70 percent on every car American automakers sell there. Those taxes and other trade barriers put our workers at a disadvantage. It makes it more expensive to make goods here and sell them over there. Well, TPP is going to change that. It eliminates more than 18,000 of these taxes on American goods and services. And that way, we're boosting America's farmers, ranchers, manufacturers, and small business owners -- make it easier for them to sell their products abroad. 当下,其他国家收取着美国制造商品的境外税金.例如,日本,在美国牛肉进入市场销售前,就课以38%的重税.马来西亚对美国的汽车零件课税30%.越南对每一辆美国汽车制造商在那里销售的汽车课税高达70%.这些税款和其他的贸易壁垒让我们的员工处于劣势.这让生产和在国外销售商品变得更加昂贵.TPP将改变这些.它将对美国的商品和服务减少多达18,000项税款.通过这样的方式,我们将助力美国的农场主,牧场主,制造业者和小企业主--让他们能够更容易得将他们的产品销售到国外. That's what it means to level the playing field for American workers and businesses. And when the playing field is level, and the rules are fair, Americans can out-compete anybody in the world. 这正是为了美国的员工和商家打造公平竞争环境的意义所在.当竞争环境公平了,规则平等了,美国人比世界上任何人都更具竞争力. Now, I'm the first person who will say that past trade agreements haven't always lived up to their promise. Sometimes they've been tilted too much in the direction of other countries and we haven't gotten a fair deal. And that makes folks suspicious of any new trade initiatives. But let's be clear. Our future depends not on what past trade deals did wrong, but on doing new trade deals right. And that's what the TPP does. 我是第一个说过去的贸易规则并不总是兑现它们承诺的人.有些时候,它们向其他国家有太多的倾斜,我们总是不能进行公平的贸易.这让人们怀疑任何新的贸易倡议.但让我们明确一下.我们的未来不依赖于过去贸易协议的错误做法,而是依赖于新贸易协议的正确方案.这正是TPP所实现的内容. It includes the strongest labor standards in history, from requiring fair hours to prohibiting child labor and forced labor. It includes the strongest environmental standards in history. All these things level the playing field for us, because if they have to follow these rules, then they can't undercut us and sell their products cheaper because they're violating these rules. And unlike past trade agreements, these standards are actually enforceable. 它包含着史上最高的劳动力标准要求,包括公平的工作时间,禁止使用童工和强迫劳动.它包含着史上最高的环境标准要求.所有这些为我们创造了公平的环境,因为如果他们必须遵守这些规则,那么他们不能以低于我们的价格,更便宜地销售他们的商品,因为他们违反了这些规则.与以往的贸易协议不同,这些标准实际上是强制性的. Without this agreement, competitors that don't share our values, like China, will write the rules of the global economy. They'll keep selling into our markets and try to lure companies over there; meanwhile they're going to keep their markets closed to us. That's what's been going on for the last 20 years. That's what's contributed so much to outsourcing. That's what has made it easier for them to compete against us. And it needs to change. 没有这一协议,与我们价值观不同的竞争对手,比如中国,将书写全球经济的规则.他们将持续在我们的市场上销售商品,并吸引企业去往他们那里;与此同时,他们将继续对我们封闭着他们的市场.这就是过去20年里一直发生着的事情.这对外包做出了巨大的贡献.这也让他们更容易得与我们竞争.这需要改变. With this Trans-Pacific Partnership, we are writing the rules for the global economy. America is leading in the 21st century. Our workers will be the ones who get ahead. Our businesses will get a fair deal. And those who oppose passing this new trade deal are really just accepting a status quo that everyone knows puts us at a disadvantage. 在这一跨太平洋伙伴关系下,我们正在书写全球经济的规则.美国正在引领21世纪.我们的员工将是取得成功的人们.我们的商家将获得公平的贸易.那些反对通过这一新贸易协议的人们,真得仅是接受着每一个人都清楚的现状:这就是让我们处于劣势地位. Look, you don't have to take my word for it. In the coming weeks and months, you'll be able to read every word of this agreement online well before I sign it. You'll be able to see for yourself how this agreement is better than past trade deals -- and how it's better for America's working families. You can learn more at WhiteHouse.gov. And I look forward to working with both parties in Congress to approve this deal -- and grow our economy for decades to come. 看,你不必相信我的话.在未来的数周和数月里,在我签署前,你将能够在线阅读这一协议的每一句话.你将能亲身见到这一协议如何优于过往的贸易协议--它如何更有利于美国的工薪家庭.你可以在WhiteHouse.gov上了解到更多的内容.我期待着与国会的两党一起来批准这一协议--并在未来的几十年发展我们的经济. Thanks, everybody. And have a great weekend. 谢谢大家,周末快乐.